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Using Foundation Import Tool for Onboarding

The Foundation Import Tool allows you to quickly import some of your employees' information into your Foundation company file. 

Table of Contents


  • FileZilla or another SFTP Client - This resource assumes you are using Filezilla.
  • FSI (Foundation Soft Integration) Importer - This application can be installed with the assistance of Foundation Soft customer service.

Important Notes

While not required, the following information can help with smooth Onboarding to Foundation data imports:

  • Some Foundation Soft company files should have the following ethnicities listed/entered. If not, you will receive BLANK for ethnicity in Foundation Soft.
    • PAC - Pacific Islander
    • TWO - Two or more races.
  • Three files can be created for you to download from your SFTP:
    • Import - The primary file to import with the FSI importer. Contains your employee information from Onboarding. 
    • Contact - Contains emergency contact information and is intended for review purposes without needing to login to Onboarding. Data is typically entered into Foundation manually. 
    • Rehire - Intended for review purposes when employees are rehired and are intended for review purposes without needing to login to Onboarding. Check if the employees' SSN and DOB match to confirm rehires.  Data is typically entered manually to update existing information in Foundation. 

Video Tutorial

The video embedded below will help you with the steps of downloading your files from your SFTP and uploading the file to Foundation with the FSI Importer. 

Step-By-Step Guide

The following instructions will help with setting up FileZilla, downloading the files from your SFTP, and importing the file(s) into your Foundation company file. 

Setting Up FileZilla

  1. Open FileZilla.
  2. Go to File and click Site Manager.


  3. Click New site towards the bottom left. Enter a name for the site or keep the default 'New Site'. It can be renamed later.


  4. Select "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol" from the Protocol drop-down menu towards the top-right.


  5. Set up the credentials for the new site:
    • Enter "" in the Host field and "22" in the Port field.
    • Enter the SFTP username and password provided by Arcoro.


  6. Click Connect to save and connect immediately to the SFTP or click OK to save for later. 


After setting up and saving your site, it will be ready for future use from the "Site Manager" menu.

Downloading Your Files

  1. Arcoro will contact you via email when there is a file waiting to be downloaded with your SFTP client.
    • If you do not receive an email, please check your spam or adjust your email filters for '' or ''. 
  2. Open FileZilla. Go to File and click Site Manager. Select the site/server and click Connect



  3. The left-hand side will show your local folders & files.


  4. The right-hand side will show you the folders & files of the site/server that you are connected to. 


  5. Select the files to download. The file names generally begin with Import, Contact, and/or Rehire and will contain the date timestamp. Double-click the file(s) to download them to the selected local folder. 


  6. Go to Server and click Disconnect to disconnect from the server after you are finished downloading the file(s).


Using FSI Importer

  1. Open FSI Importer.
  2. Select "Employee" from the "Choose Importer Type" drop-down menu. Enter your Foundation login information and select your Foundation database. Click Connect.


  3. Once connected, select the company that you will be importing into with the "Select Company" drop-down.


  4. Click Select for "Employee Source File" and select the files you downloaded from the SFTP. Click Preview and Validate Source towards the bottom right.


  5. Select "Employees" from the "Record Type" drop-down menu. The data from the file should populate the window. Click Validate towards the bottom right to validate the data from the selected file.



  6. Towards the bottom left will be a warning if there are any validation errors due to data not being recognized in your import file. You can click into any of the provided fields to update the information so Foundation can validate and accept it. Data that needs to be corrected are generally highlighted in orange. You can click Validate again after correcting the data until there are no further validation errors



  7. When the data has been successfully validated, the "Import" button should become clickable. Click Import to import your data. 


Data Mapping


  • Transform - Will transform the data to accommodate the field.
Foundation Soft
Import Template
Header Row
Arcoro Onboarding
API Field
Arcoro Onboarding Notes
* Employee Number Client Config Value Employee ID Field OR leveraging SQL query for auto-numbering
* First Name firstName  
Middle Initial middleName Transform: First Letter
* Last Name lastName  
*Social Security Number socialSecurityNumber Transform: Numbers Only
Gender gender Transform:
Male = M Female = F
Address Line 1 addressLine1  
Address Line 2 addressLine2  
City employeeCity  
State state  
Zip Code zipCode  
Phone mobilePhoneNumber Use mobilePhoneNumber first - if blank, use homePhoneNumber. Same formatting rules apply.
Email employeeEmailAddress Personal Email
Date of Birth dateofBirth Transfom: mm/dd/yyyy only
Date of Hire startDate Transfom: mm/dd/yyyy only
State of Hire primaryState  
Driver License Number Custom Field - License_Number Optional - Text Field
Driver License State Custom Field - License_State Optional - Drop Down Field
Driver's License Expiration Date Custom Field - License_Exp Optional - Date Field - Transfom: mm/dd/yyyy only
Date Terminated Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Termination Reason Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Date Rehired Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Date Last worked Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Certified Payroll Client Config Value Hardcoded to either Y or N
Secured Employee Checkbox Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Default Earn Code Custom Field - Earn_Type_No Optional Custom Field
Default Cost Code Custom Field - Cost_Code_No Optional Custom Field
SUTA State Override primaryState  
Additional Pay Period Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Pay Type payRateType Transform:
Hourly = H Salary = S
Hours Required for Salary Blank  
Pay Rate payRate1 Ensure Client is entering per pay period for Salaried employees
Pay Periods per Year Client Config Value Options:
12, 24, 26, or 52
Pay Period Number Client Config Value Determined by Pay Periods Per Year:
12 = M, 24=S, 26=B, 52=W
Minority No raceEthnicity Client Specific mapping.
Usually Missing these two and we suggest: PAC for Pacific Islander TWO for Two or More Races
Prevailing Wage Reduction Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Trade Code Custom Field - Trade_No Optional Custom Field
Union Code Custom Field - Union Optional Custom Field
Department Code Custom Field - Department_Code Optional Custom Field
WC State Custom Field - Wc_Combined Optional Custom Field
Pattern is: State-Code: Description. Rule is: String Split at ":" (colon) take 0 (all to the left) String Split again at "-" (hypen) take: 0 (left of hypen) for State 1 (right of hypen) for Class
WC Class No Custom Field - Wc_Combined see above (WC State) for the rule
General Liability State Custom Field - Can't Pass Optional Custom Field
General Liability Class No Custom Field - Gen_Lib_Class Optional Custom Field
Federal Filing Status federalFilingStatus Transform:
Head of household = HH Married filing jointly = M Single or Married filing separately = S
W-4 Step 2c
federalTwoJobsTotal Transform:
true=Y false=N
W-4 Step 3
Claim Dependents
W-4 Step 4a
Other Income
W-4 Step 4b
W-4 Step 4c
Federal Extra Amount
Federal Override federalExemption Transform:
true=2 false=1
2020 or Later W4 Hardcode: Y  
(Pre 2020)
Federal Exemptions
Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
(Pre 2020)
Federal Extra Amount
Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
(Pre 2020)
Federal Extra Percent
Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
State Filing Status stateFilingStatus Transform:
Single = S Head of Household = HH Married Filing Single = MS Married filing Jointly = MJ If no exact match - Set to "MS" (Foundation Soft Default value)
Tax State primaryState  
State Exemptions stateAllowances  
State Extra Amount stateWithholding  
State Extra Percent Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
State Override Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
State Add On Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
NJ Rate Table Custom Field - NJ_Rate Optional UNLESS hires in NJ
Populate with the letters - A,B,C,D,E
Local Tax State Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Local Tax Authority Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
PR Tax Group Custom Field - Pr_Tax_Group Optional Custom Field
Local Extra Amount Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Local Extra Percent Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Local Override Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Local Add On Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Local Residence Blank Not Captured in Arcoro ONB
Direct Deposit directDeposit Transform:
true = Y false = N
Account Type accountType1 Transform data:
Checking = C Savings = S
Direct Deposit Description institution1  
Bank Routing No route1  
Bank Account No account1  
% or $ amountType1 The options would be: %, $, Net Remainder of Pay.
First account is always R - Remainder
Amount amount1  
Account Type accountType2 Transform data:
Checking = C Savings = S
Direct Deposit Description institution2  
Bank Routing No route2  
Bank Account No account2  
% or $ amountType2 When type is:
% (has to be less than 100 then) send N $ send D
Amount amount2  
Account Type accountType3 Transform data:
Checking = C Savings = S
Direct Deposit Description institution3  
Bank Routing No route3  
Bank Account No account3  
% or $ amountType3 When type is:
% (has to be less than 100 then) send N $ send D
Amount amount3  


If you are encountering any issues when trying to import your file from Onboarding, please refer to the dedicated troubleshooting article.

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