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Complete Guide to Setting up your ZK Time Clock

Powering Your Time Clock

The first step in connecting the Time Clock to your system is to unpack the clock from the box, plug it in, and confirm that the device powers up successfully.  In most cases, it is easier to perform the Time Clock configuration from your desktop and then move the clock to its final location once all of the configuration steps have been completed.

If the clock boots up successfully, please proceed to the next step.

Understanding your Time Clock


  1. Display
  2. Keypad/Function Pad
    1. M - Manager Key. Used to confirm selections.
    2. F1-F4 - Function Keys. Used to switch between the Clock-In and Clock-Out functions once your Time Clock has been set up. (Break-In and Break-Out can be functions is enabled.)
    3. Arrow Keys - Used to navigate the menu of the Time Clock.
    4. ESC - Escape the current menu.
  3. Indicator Light
  4. Fingerprint Scanner

A default user is pre-loaded onto your Time Clock.

  • User ID: 1
  • Pass: 998899

Accessing the Admin Menu of your Time Clock

  1. When you first turn on your Time Clock, you will see a screen similar to below that will be used by your employees to clock in/out.
  2. To access the admin menu, press M button on the keypad. You will see a lock icon and a "Please verify" message.


  3. Press 1 on the keypad for your User ID and press M.


  4. When prompted for the password, press 998899 and press M.


  5. You should see the Main Menu that looks similar to below.


  6. If you do not interact with the device within a pre-determined time, the Time Clock will exit the main menu and return to the initial Clock In screen shown in the first step. It is advised to peruse the instructions below to have an understanding of what should be done to minimize needing to re-enter the User ID and Password multiple times.
    • You can also extend the Menu Screen Timeout by going to: Personalize > User Interface > Menu Screen Timeout(s) > Select the desired time in seconds.

Configure Time Clock with Network

The Time Clock must be configured to communicate with your local network so it can receive commands from your HR system and send information to your HR system such as new clock ins and outs.

It is generally advised to configure the Time Clock with DHCP access to your Local Network

  1. If you have not already logged in to the admin menu of the Time Clock, do so now.
  2. Using the menu, go to COMM and press M.


  3. Go to Wireless Network and press M.


  4. Enable WiFi if is it disabled by highlighting Wifi and pressing M.
  5. Select the wireless network that it should connect to.


  6. Go to Password and press M.


  7. Enter the Wifi Password.


    To enter the Wifi password:

    Press > to select what character (lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number, or symbol) to type. Once you have selected the appropriate character type, you can use the number pad to enter the characters like a telephone keypad. If you are unfamiliar with how to use the numberpad to enter a letter, you would press the number until the desired letter is selected. (i.g. Press the 4 key two times to enter the letter H.)

    Number Letter
    0 (None)
    1 (None)
    2 A, B, C
    3 D, E, F
    4 G, H, I
    5 J, K, L
    6 M, N, O
    7 P, Q, R, S
    8 T, U, V
    9 W, X, Y, Z
  8. When the password has been entered, press M to return to the Wifi info page.
  9. Press ESC to return to the Wireless Network list.
  10. The Wifi network you are trying to connect to will appear near the top of the list and indicate its status.


  11. Once your time clock is connected to the internet, go to the next step.

Configuring Time Clock with Core HR

If you have not already logged in to the admin menu of the Time Clock, do so now.

If you are a CBIZ Client, please refer to the steps and credentials provided by CBIZ to set up your Time Clock with CBIZ.

  1. Use the arrow keys to select COMM. and press M.


  2. Use the arrow keys to go down towards Cloud Server Settings and press M.


  3. Enable URL mode if it is not enabled.
  4. Go down to Server Address and press M.


  5. For Server Address, enter
    • If you are a CBIZ Client, please refer to the steps and credentials provided by CBIZ to set up your Time Clock with CBIZ.


  6. Make sure the “Enable Proxy Server” field is set to “OFF”. This can be done by highlighting "Enable Proxy Server" and pressing M.
  7. Press ESC to return to the previous menu as needed.

Configure Daylight Savings on Time Clock

  1. Use the arrow keys to select System and press M.


  2. Use the arrow keys to highlight Date Time and press M.


  3. Go through the Date Time Settings and set them to the following:


  4. Enable Daylight Save Time if applicable.
  5. Set Daylight Saving Mode to either "By Date/Time" or "By Week/Day."


  6. Go to Daylight Saving Setup and set it to the following:
    • If using By Date/Time


      • Set the start and end date/time to whatever date it should be for the given year.
      • This will need to be updated yearly to coincide with the proper dates.
    • If using By Week/Day


    • Set the following start and end date information. We have listed the common settings below:
      • Start Month: 3
      • Start Week: 2
      • Start Day: Sunday
      • Start Time: 2:00 AM
      • End Month: 11
      • End Week: 1
      • End Day: Sunday
      • End Time: 2:00 AM

Register the Clock on Core HR

  1. While logged in to Core HR, go to the menu, expand Settings, and click Time & Attendance.


  2. Click Settings from the top menu bar.


  3. Click the Time Clock Config tab.


  4. Click the ZK US10C Time Clock tab.


  5. From the Actions drop-down menu, click Add Time Clock Device.


  6. Enter the following information:


    • Device serial # found on the back of the Time Clock.
    • Change the Web Server URL Mode to URL Address from the drop-down menu.
    • In the Web Server URL Address, enter
      • If you are a CBIZ Client, please refer to the steps and credentials provided by CBIZ to set up your Time Clock with CBIZ.
    • Specify the Time Clock Auth Type from the drop-down menu.
      • Card Swipe
      • Fingerprint Reader
      • PIN Entry
  7. Click Save when finished. 

What's Next?

  • Once the clock has been added to your Core HR account, Core HR will send commands for your Time Clock to receive and complete it's configuration.
  • To view what information is being sent and received by your Time Clock, you can click View Logs from the menu.
  • You can click the Refresh button on the View Logs page to see when your Time Clock receives any commands from your account.
  • Your Time Clock will connect to your Core HR account every minute to receive any commands sent by your Core HR account.

Confirm Connectivity

After your Time Clock(s) have been added to your Core HR account, you need to verify that your Time Clock is communicating with your account properly.

Confirm on your Time Clock

While looking at the screen of your Time Clock, you should see a globe icon in the top right.

  • If you see a red X over the globe, then your Time Clock is not properly communicating with your Core HR account.


  • If you do not see a red X over the globe, then your Time Clock is properly communicating with your Core HR account and further setup can be performed.


Confirm on Core HR

  1. From the menu, expand Settings, and click Time & Attendance.


  2. Click Settings from the top menu bar.


  3. Click the Time Clock Config tab.


  4. Click the ZK US10C Time Clock tab.


  5. Find the device that you recently set up and look at the Last Request Time column. This column shows the last time that the Time Clock communicated with your Core HR account. If the time is current, then the clock is communicating properly with Core HR.


  6. After a successful communication, Core HR will notify you if your Time Clock has not communicated with Core HR within 15 minutes of the last communicated attempt and highlight the device in red.


Activating User Accounts

For your employees/users to be loaded onto the Time Clock, they must have an Active Account created within Core HR. If an employee has an active account, you will need to set their Entry Assignments.

An active account is:

  • A User ID has been generated for the User.
  • The User Account cannot be locked.
  1. This can be done by going to the menu, expanding Settings, and clicking Time and Attendance.


  2. Click Settings from the top menu bar.


  3. Click the Entry Assignments tab.


  4. In your employee list, select the entry assignments for your employees.


    1. Entry Type - Must be either Time Clock - Punch or Timesheet & Time Clock - Punch.
    2. Time Clock Auth Type - Must be a selection other than "Not Assigned."
    3. PIN - If the Time Clock Auth Type is either "Card Swipe" or "PIN Entry," then the PIN must be entered for the users (Card Number or Unique PIN)

Setting Up Entry Methods

Enroll Fingerprints

If a user was configured with the Time Clock Auth Type of "Fingerprint Scan," it is required that you enroll the user's fingerprint with your Time Clock and your HR system.

  1. While viewing the ZK US10C Time Clock tab, there click the # under the User Count column for a device.


  2. You will see the list of users that have been loaded to your Time Clock.


  3. Use the checkbox next to the employees that you want to enroll fingerprints for and click Enroll Fingerprint(s).


  4. Within a few seconds, the Time Clock will display that it is ready to record a fingerprint for the previously selected employee(s). Note the User ID’s you selected on the User screen as the clock device will display the User ID when ready for scanning the fingerprint.


  5. When prompted by the Time Clock, have the user press their finger 3 times on the biometric scanner on the clock.


  6. If more than one user was selected for enrollment, the clock will display the next User ID it is ready to enroll.
  7. Repeat process from #5
  8. When the Clock is finished with all the enrollments you will need to press the “Reload Users to All Device(s) link on the main Clock Device screen on the website. This will send the fingerprints to all the clocks that are registered within the system.

Setting Up Card Swipe

If a user was configured with the Time Clock Auth Type of "Card Swipe," it is required that you enroll the card number for an employee.

From the Entry Assignment tab, enter the number printed on the card.

  • If using a US10 clock, enter the full number, leading zeroes included. (e.g. If the number printed on the card is 0009876543, you will enter 0009876543.)
  • If using a US15 clock, do not enter any leading zeroes of the printed number (e.g. If the number printed on the card is 0009876543, you will enter 9876543.)


Setting Up The Employee PIN

If a user was configured with the Time Clock Auth Type of "PIN," it is required that enter the PIN that the employee would be using to sign in to your time clock.


In addition to the PIN, note the employee's User ID. This can be found by clicking User Count from the Time Clocks page.



Load Users to Time Clock

Once the users have an active account and their entry assignments have been configured, the users can be loaded to your Time Clock.

  1. While in Time and Attendance, go to the ZK US10C Time Clocks tab.


  2. From the Actions drop-down menu, click Reload Users to all Device(s).


  3. Your HR system will send data for all eligible employees to your Time Clock.
  4. You can review the logs to confirm which employees were sent.


How to Clock In

Before you can log your time on your Time Clock, you must click the appropriate F1-2 button (F3-4 If you have enabled Break In/Out).


  • F1 - Check In
  • F2 - Check Out
  • F3 - Break Out
  • F4 - Break In

With a Fingerprint

Press the enrolled finger on the fingerprint scanner.


With a Card

Tap the card on the flashing green light.


With a PIN

Enter the User ID with the number pad, then press M.


Enter the PIN with the number pad, then press M.


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