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3/2/2021 Core HR Release Notes

Arcoro is excited to announce the 3.2.2021 release for our customers.  This release provides enhancements to existing functionality improving the usability, scalability, and performance of the system.  This article describes the software updates and provides details to help you get started with these enhancements.


Updates to Core HR Employee Documents Page

We have improved the navigation for the Employee documents page in Core HR. This update will be available for all admin users when viewing employee documents.


Changes to the Employee > Documents page:

  • Users will no longer have to filter on Start Date (as shown below) to populate the screen with the documents for an employee


  • The Actions drop down has been moved to the left side
  • To improve useability and performance, Paging has been added, Admins will now be able to select the number of documents they would like to view per page (50, 100, 150)
    • Quickly navigate the documents by using the Page forward, backwards, and jump buttons
  • All documents related to the selected employee are now shown on the page
    • Sorted by most recently added
  • Additional requirements for uploading documents
    • File size must be under 130 megabytes
    • For additional security, the following file types can no longer be uploaded:
      • .exe
      • .jar
      • .docm
      • .xlsm
      • .pptm

Current Employee Document page:


Updated Employee Document page:



Updates to Scheduled Exports

We have updated our Scheduled Exports processing to be more efficient and added Admin notifications for export status (Started, Successful, Error).

Customers with scheduled exports will see a reduction in the time from when the export is scheduled to run and completed.

(Ex: In V1, a schedule export that is scheduled to run at 7AM will be initiated and may not complete until 7PM the same day. With Exports V2, exports that are scheduled to run will complete at a much faster rate.)

Manually initiated exports will continue to run in the same amount of time they currently do.

Notification Bell for Export Progress for Exports Version 2

We have added a notification bell icon to alert Admins users on export progress. While logged into Core HR, admin users will receive a blue dot alert on the bell icon when an export event has occurred. After reviewing the notification, the blue dot will be cleared until a new notification is received. Current functionality of email notifications when an export has completed (Success or Failure) will continue to be sent.

Notification Bell with no alerts:


Notification Bell with alert:


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