Coverage levels, in basic terms, are the election choices an administrator is giving to employees.
For example:
- For Medical or Dental benefits, these will be employee-only or possibly employee + spouse.
- For supplemental life benefits, the coverages maybe $10,000 or $120,000.
The Coverage Levels for your plans can be edited and read in any manner the administrator decides.
By entering the coverage options name, the administrator may edit the name of each coverage option.
The 'Coverage Level' tab provides columns for:
- Coverage Level - The name of your coverage level.
- Default Coverage Level - The default coverage level for a plan.
- Display Order
- Coverage Level Rank
- Flat Benefit Amount
- Compensation Multipliers
- # Employees Enrolled
The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:
- Add Coverage Level
- Duplicate Selected Records
- Delete Selected Records
Adding a Coverage Level
- Click Add Coverage Level from the Actions drop-down menu.
- Enter the name, coverage codes, deduction codes, etc.
- For benefit coverage options where dependents are needed, you will need to edit the coverage option and ensure the correct number of dependents are available for selection. A spouse can be required or included in the count for each option. Employees can also be eligible with more than the required number of dependents or not.
- If the Coverage should split its value between a Pre Tax and Post Tax amount, check the box "Use separate deduction code to report a Post Tax Split". This will present the "Deduction Code (Post Tax Split) field for the assignment. Be sure to assign the value to a different value than your Deduction Code in order to split the Pre and Post Tax values of the employee's election.
- When assigned values from Setup > Setup Properties > Field Value Setup > Deductions, the Deduction Code and Deduction Code (Post Tax Split) will save a Deduction Record to the Employee > Payroll > Deductions screen following any Add or Update to an Employee's Election.
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The next article is Step 2.3 - Premium