From the 'Configure Enrollment Screens' tab, you are able to manage the way in which benefits and plans are viewed throughout the system.
The tab allows you to:
- Hide plan names
- Display coverage volume
- Display premium
- Display employer cost
- Display employee cost
Any checkbox that is unchecked will be collapsed within a change event or from the employee's Benefits page where elections for an individual can be altered. These options are available for all benefits created in the selected package no matter what eligibility rules have been created and assigned.
You can click 'Preview' on the far right column to preview any changes that have been made or view the benefit, in the same manner, as an employee in a change event would. This is highly recommended after all benefit and plan configuration is completed so that benefits and plans can be audited for spelling and costs. The benefit and plans within the benefit should be built to the exact specifications of the client and the carrier.
To configure the enrollment screens, click 'Configure' under the 'Configure Content' column and go through any of the tab options below.
Benefit Description
Text may be added here to educate employees on the options they have to select from. This text will be seen for all plans within the benefit the administrator has selected. Hyperlinks may be added for the employee to redirect to a possible carrier website. Other popular options deal with font where color, shape, style, and size can be altered.
Benefit Video
Custom-made benefit videos may be added from this tab. Usually, these videos are short descriptions of the benefits they are choosing, possibly explaining how the benefit works or is paid out. By giving the video a name and description the administrator is able to browse and import an MP4 video for the employee to view an election time within their change event.
Plan Documentation
Plan documentation is used when plan names that are visible to employees must be hyperlinked to populate plan summaries or carrier websites for additional knowledge on the benefits. Plan summaries from carriers are generally used here. Other options are web addresses. For plan summaries to appear, the document must first be uploaded into the system under Settings > Employee Portal Documents. Each plan in the benefit is able to be selected from the drop-down menu where a web address or document can then be added.
Additional Options
Enable the Information Hover feature for the selected Plan - Used when information needs to be displayed within event again as hover text. Scrolling over the plan name or selecting the "?" will enable text to appear for the employee. Text is written in by the administrator at the bottom of this page.
Use Hover Image - Enables an information icon that will appear next to the benefit plan that allows the employee to hover over it.
Plan Summary/Comparison
Commonly used for medical, dental, and vision benefits where employees are eligible for multiple plans, the administrator may place comparison of each of the plans for the employee to view. The rows added will be present for all plans selected and should compare the same data. Examples of this would be an ambulance, overnight stay, out-of-pocket, emergency room visit, outpatient therapy etc. The admin should provide the in-network vs. out-of-network value for each item being compared. This information is generally found on the plan summary provided by the carrier.
Employees may use and view the data from their employee portal by selecting the "Learn about your Benefits" Link on their personal employee portal. For this to be useful, the administrator must type in the in and out of network costs associated with each plan. The module must also be turned on for the employee under Setup > Setup Properties > Employee Portal Setup > Employee Portal > Modules. Learn about your benefits must be selected and saved. Administrators would only want to do this if employees could choose between two or three plans. If a client offers three or four medical plans but employees are only eligible for one of the offerings, this comparison would not be beneficial.
Administrators may add rows for additional descriptions. Rows and descriptions filter over to all plans. Costs must be filled out for all plans being offered.
By Selecting "Learn About Your Benefits" from the employee portal, employees may now effectively compare two or three plans.
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The next article is Step 4 - Review Configuration