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Check Calculator Breakdown


  1. Employee Dropdown – this will show all employees. Select employee from dropdown you would like to calculate.
  2. Net To Gross – When checked and data is provided, calculation will gross up check amount (so amount entered in text box will be check amount).
  3. AutoPay – If employee has autopay amount, checking box will pay out autopay amount.
  4. Block Deductions – When checked, deductions will NOT be taken out of check. When unchecked, all normal deductions will continue to be deducted.
  5. Block Direct Deposit – When checked, amount will NOT be sent via direct deposit. When unchecked, direct deposit will remain in effect.
  6. Block Labor Allocations (if applicable) – When checked, amount will not be allocated via labor allocation configuration. When unchecked, amount will continue to be allocated per configuration.
  7. Block Accruals – For payroll accruals only. When checked, no accruals will be added to employee based on accrual configuration. When unchecked, accruals will continue to accrue based on payroll accrual configuration.
  8. Override Tax Freq. – This option allows for check to be taxes based on frequency selected in dropdown.
  9. Override FITW% - When amount is entered, the federal tax withholding will be deducted based on percentage listed.
  10. Override SITW% - When amount is entered, the state tax withholding will be deducted based on percentage listed.
  11. Use Supplemental Tax Rate – When selected, taxes will be deducted based on supplemental tax rates.
  12. Calculate – Once data is entered, click on calculate to have system calculate amount of check, taxes and deductions.
  13. Print – This will create a check stub which can be provided to employee.
  14. Save – This saves manual check to batch. From this option you can save check or save and print check.
  15. Reset – This resets all values and allows user to start with a “clean slate”.


  1. Add New Record – This will allow user to add a new pay record for employee.
  2. Insert – This will show after “Add New Record” is selected. Clicking “insert” will save the information to the grid.
  3. Cancel – This will show after “Add New Record” is selected. Clicking “cancel” will close out new record without saving.
  4. Code Drop Down – this will show after “Add New Record” is selected. This will reveal earning codes and deductions configured for account.
  5. Hours – Hours which would be paid to employee for rate code.
  6. Rate – Rate which employee would be paid for rate code (will use default if not entered).
  7. Amount – Amount which would be paid to employee for rate code.
  8. Edit – This allows user to update pay record.
  9. Delete – this will delete line (pay record).
  10. Hours – Total hours added to employee.
  11. Gross- Total Gross amount for employee check.
  12. Taxes – Total taxes deducted for employee check.
  13. Deductions – Total amount of all deductions for employee check.
  14. Net Pay – net pay amount for employee check.

Check Preview Section

  1. Earnings – Earning Types being paid to employee on check.
  2. Hours – Total hours paid on earnings
  3. Dollars – Total dollars paid on earnings
  4. Deductions – Any deductions which are applied to check will show in this section.
  5. Direct Deposits – All direct deposit accounts which apply to check.
  6. Employee taxes – All employee taxes taken out of check.
  7. Employer taxes – All employer taxes taken out of check.
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