The Detail View for Payroll allows you to view and enter your employee's payroll individually.
Understanding the Menu Options
The batch view is the traditional, grid-style form of processing payroll and is the initial view you will see when starting your payroll. To switch to the detailed view, click Detailed View first. As the menu is quite dense, we have broken down the options in the following sections, starting from the top.
Company Selector, Batch View, and Check Calculator
- Company: This drop-down menu allows you to toggle between multiple companies (if applicable) by selecting the company in the drop-down list. After selecting your company, click "Go."
- Batch View: This button takes you to the Batch View. The Batch View grid view allows you to see and enter payroll information for multiple employees quickly. For more information about the Batch View, you can view the following section: V1 Payroll Batch View
- Check Calculator: The check calculator is used for calculating pay for an employee and for saving and/or printing manual checks. For more information about the check calculator, you can refer to the follow section: Check Calculator
Payroll Controls
The options under Payroll Controls affect the payroll in its entirety.
- Start Payroll: This button starts and allows for the entry of payroll. All other buttons will not be clickable until payroll has been started.
- Configure Grid: Allows for customization of the grid based on the needs of the company. Customized features include Earning/Deduction Codes, Show/Hide miscellaneous columns (ex: Employee ID), Group By Columns. For more information, please refer to the Configure Grid section.
- View Notes: Allows you to see Company Default Notes as well as viewing/adding Payroll Specific Notes.
- Import Time: Used to import data into the grid from the time and attendance module. The grid will be populated with the information entered on the spreadsheet. Imports must be in .csv and formatted per the specifications configured in payroll. Please reach out to your Account Manager for details on your specific setup.
- View Pre-Process: View the pre-process register for the entire payroll.
- Submit Payroll: When payroll is complete, this button will submit the payroll for processing.
Batch Controls
These options affect a particular batch, but not necessarily the payroll in its entirety.
- Restart Batch: Restart the batch by clearing out any information entered and return it to its default state.
- Add Batch: Add a new batch if needed.
- Delete Batch: Delete batches that are not needed or added in error.
- View Totals: View Total Hours, Dollars, and Checks in the batch. This can also be used as a review tool, before submitting payroll.
- View Pre-Process: View the Pre-Process Register for this batch only.
Pay Grid
The detailed view allows you to view each employee’s pay information in detail. It also allows for more customization of the employee’s pay (ex: overriding taxes, blocking deductions, direct deposits, earnings, adding notes). As the menu is quite dense, we have broken down the options in the following sections, starting from the top.
Payroll Information and Employee Search
- Check Date: The date of the payment for this payroll.
- Period Begin: The beginning of the pay period.
- Period End: The end of the pay period.
- Status: Shows current status of payroll, based on the below:
- Scheduled: Payroll Not Started
- Open: Payroll started and available for data entry.
- Closed: Data Entry Completed
- Submitted: Data sent to be processed.
- Queued: Data received and ready to be processed.
- Processing: Data is being processed.
- Processed: Payroll Complete.
- Batch: All batches in payroll will be listed here. Allows for quick access to each individual payroll batch.
- Employee Sort: Sort employees by their ID, Name, or User when using the Search bar.
- Employee Filter: Filter employees by:
- Active - Active Employees
- Active EE/Dept - Active Employees by Dept.
- All EE - All Employees
- All EE/Clock - All Employees by Clock #
- All EE/Dept - All Employees by Dept.
- All EE/SSN - All Employees by SSN
- State EEs - All Employees by State
- Zero SSN EE - Employees with Zero SSN
Employee Information
The top menu shows you:
- Employee Name and Employee ID
- Departments: Cost Centers/Departments assigned to the employee.
- Freq: Payroll Frequency (ex: B = Bi-Weekly, SM = Semi-Monthly, etc.)
- Status: Employee Status (ex: A = Active, T = Terminated, etc.)
- SSN: Employee Social Security Number
- Type: Employee Type (ex: RFT = Regular Full Time, etc.)
- Compensation Information for the employee.
- Accrual code and amount
If the employee has any payroll memos entered on their profile, they will be shown in an orange box next to the additional employee payroll information. These payroll notes can be found for an employee by navigating to: Employee > Demographics > EEOC/Additional Info tab.
Check Information/Options
- Arrows: If the employee has multiple checks, toggle between them.
- Check Number: Add a check number for the employee's pay (not required.)
- Autopay: If checked, will pay the Autopay amount for the employee. If unchecked, the Autopay will not be included in the check.
- Pay Type: Identifies the pay type of the check (e.g. Reg - Regular would be for regular payroll processing, Manual would be for Manual check processing, etc.
- Check Options:
Delete Check: Delete the check currently being viewed.
Override: Override check defaults. For more information, you can refer to the following section: Overrides
Add Check: Add an additional check for the employee.
Pay Entry Grid
This grid will reflect information configured in the "Configure Grid" button at top of the page.
- Add New Record: Add a new record. For more information on the process for adding a record, refer to the following section: How to Add a Record in Detailed View
- Edit: Edit an existing pay record. For more information on the process for editing a record, refer to the following section: How to Edit a Record in Detailed View
Delete: Delete the pay record.
- Hours, Rate, and/or Amount: The hours or amounts which should be paid out. If applicable, a rate can be added.
- Gross: Total gross amount for the employee check.
- Taxes: Total taxes deducted for the employee check.
- Deductions: Total amount of all deductions for employee check.
- Net Pay: Net pay amount for the employee check.
- Pay #X: The number of pays for the employee this payroll (e.g. if there are two checks and you are viewing the second check, it will say "Pay #2").
Check Preview
- Earnings: Earning Types being paid to employee on check.
- Hours: Total hours paid on earnings.
- Dollars: Total dollars paid on earnings.
- Deductions: Any deductions which are applied to check will show in this section and the amount in dollars.
- Direct Deposits: All direct deposit accounts which apply to check.
- Employee Taxes: All employee taxes taken out of check.
- Employer Taxes: All employer taxes taken out of check.
The top portion allows you to adjust:
- Tax Frequency: Displays a drop-down list of all available tax frequency options. Any selection will override the default tax frequency for the selected check.
- Deduction Multiplier: Increase the amount of deduction being withheld (e.g. Entering two (2) will double the amount of the deduction, entering three (3) will triple the deduction, etc.)
- Override FITW%: The percentage entered here will be used to calculate the federal income tax withholding for the selected check.
- Override SITW%: The percentage entered here will be used to calculate the state income tax withholding for the selected check.
The following checkboxes found near the top allow you to:
- Special Payment Flag: If enabled, this is a Special Payment pay type.
- Block Labor Allocation: If enabled, blocks any automated labor allocation configured in payroll for this employee on the selected check.
- Block Direct Deposits: If enabled, block any direct deposit accounts configured in payroll for the employee on the selected check.
The following lists allow you to:
- Blocked Earnings: Block individual earnings from recurring for the selected check.
- Blocked Deductions: Block individual deductions from recurring for the selected check.
- Blocked Direct Deposits: Block individual direct deposit accounts for the selected check.
Checkstub Memo and Notes allow you to enter information for the check.
To save your overrides, you will have two options:
- This Check Only
- This Employee Only (It is inadvisable to use this option)
How to Add a Record in Detailed View
- Click Add Record at the top of the pay entry grid.
- Specify the code and enter any pertinent information. When finished, click Insert.
- The record will be inserted at the bottom of the pay grid.
How to Edit a Record in Detailed View
- Click Edit to the left of a record.
- Update the record with any pertinent information. When finished, click Update.
- The record will be updated with your changes.
Using the Detailed View for Payroll
These are our recommended steps for processing payroll from the Detailed View.
- Review the Payroll Details of the current Pay Period for accuracy.
- The "Status" field should read Scheduled.
- If processing payroll for multiple payroll companies, be sure to select the appropriate company from the Company drop-down.
- From the Payroll Controls options, Click Start Payroll.
- Read the confirmation and click Yes to proceed. This will open up the batch for processing.
- If not already viewing the "Detailed View," click the "Detailed View" button from the menu.
- Within a given company, payroll can also be processed for various batches. Before performing any data entry, be sure to select the desired batch from the Batch dropdown.
- Employees can be filtered by the following options:
- All By Name
- Active Name-Active Name
- Active SSN-Active SSN
- Active ID-Active by ID
- Term ID-Term by ID
- As the Detailed View requires an administrator to view a single employee's payroll information at a given time, you can use the navigational buttons above the employee name to navigate to different employees.
- The ability to navigate directly to an employee by number does not always refer to the employee's employee ID. Rather, this number refers to the order in which an employee was added to the payroll.
- The ability to navigate directly to an employee by number does not always refer to the employee's employee ID. Rather, this number refers to the order in which an employee was added to the payroll.
- For the selected employee, review the accuracy of the following demographic/payroll information:
- Home Cost Centers (sometimes referred to as a Department depending on the Payroll provider)
- Pay schedule
- Payroll employee status
- Payroll employee type
- Rate code/rate type/rate amount
- Accrual code and amount
- Review any payroll memos added to the employee prior to entering data. Memos on the detailed view will display in an orange box next to the additional employee payroll information
- Enter a Check Number if applicable.
- Confirm employee Auto Pays are accurate. There is a setting under each employee's compensation rate (Employee>Payroll>Compensation) which can determine if the employee is Auto Pay salary or Auto Pay hourly. If an Auto Pay salary employee is set up properly, there is nothing more to enter on the pay grid unless you want to record sick, vacation, etc. Auto Pay hours should be used if changes to hours seldom occur for an hourly employee.
- The Pay Type dropdown allows for the selection of a pay type that have certain paycheck attributes (ex. override taxes, block earnings, block deductions, block direct deposits). This can be useful if there is a certain pay type regularly paid to employees (ex. Bonus, Commission, etc.). Please contact your Payroll Service Provider to have these configured and accessible for payroll processing.
- Time can be imported into the grid by clicking on Import Time. If this button is disabled, please contact your Payroll Service Provider and ask to have Time Imports added as a service. The Payroll Service Provider can also configure/clarify the import layout.
- On the Time Import screen, click Select to locate the file from the local machine. Each batch needs a unique file.
- Click Upload File.
- Click Import to fill in the grid with time data.
- Your payroll may or may not be organized into a series of batches. If there are multiple batches, additional batch-level controls exist:
- Restart Batch: Batches can be restarted at any time. Restarting a batch will wipe out any data previously entered and all data must be entered again.
- Delete Batch: This will delete the batch. Please contact your Payroll Service Provider prior to doing so.
- View Totals: Batch totals can be viewed at any time and will provide code totals, total # of paychecks in batch, and total dollars of batch
- There are payroll-level controls that may be applicable:
- View Notes: Company default and Payroll-Specific notes can be edited and saved. Only the payroll service provider can edit Company Default Notes.
- Add Batch: Allows the user to add a batch to organize payroll data.
- There are additional payroll entry functions on the right side of the entry view.
Delete check: Click on the "red x symbol" to delete a check for an employee.
Overrides: Tax overrides and blocks can be performed. Save-This Check Only will save overrides to single check. Save-This Employee Only will save override to every check for the employee in this batch.
Add check: Click on the "green plus sign" to add an additional check for the employee within the same batch. Multiple checks for a single employee can be navigated to on the left side of the screen.
- Continue processing payroll for all employees and all desired checks. Reference the Check Calculator section for any check calculations and/or manual checks needed.
- Checks can be edited at the code level by clicking Edit next to the desired code. Enter any changes in the form of Hours, Rate, or Amount. Click Update. If you would like image references, refer to How to Edit a Record in Detailed View
- For a new code transaction, click Add New Record. A full listing of company codes will then display. If a code is missing, please contact the Payroll Service Provider. Enter any necessary information such as Hours, Rate, or Amount. Click Insert. If you would like image references, refer to How to Add a Record in Detailed View
- Preview each employee's check on the bottom of the screen and confirm accuracy.
- After all payroll data has been entered, a pre-process register can be viewed. The pre-process register can be viewed at the payroll or batch level by clicking on the appropriate pre-process button at either the payroll or batch level. A download will open in the browser, and a PDF of the pre-process register can be viewed. This report can then be saved to a local machine or printed if desired.
- After payroll totals have been verified for accuracy, payroll may be submitted. Click Submit Payroll button on Payroll Controls.
- Payroll notes can be viewed or edited prior to submitting payroll. Payroll will then be submitted according to client-specific settings for remote payroll submission. Contact your payroll service provider if you have questions on payroll submissions or payroll processing.
Check Calculator
The check calculator is used for calculating pay for an employee and for saving and/or printing manual checks such as for an employee's last day.
The check calculator provides the ability to calculate checks in a "what if" mode and create actual manual checks.
Various overrides/settings can be applied to the calculation or creation of a check:
- Auto pay hours/dollars
- Block Automatic Pays
- Block Deductions
- Block Direct Deposits
- Block Labor Allocations
- Block Accruals
- Override the tax frequency
- Override FITW by %
- Override SITW by %
- Use supplemental tax rates
Gross to Net Calculations and/or Manual checks
- Enter earnings using the pay grid.
- Click Add New Record.
- Enter necessary information such as the code, rate, hours, amount, etc.
- Click Insert.
- To modify an existing record, click Edit, make any necessary changes, then click Update.
- Click Add New Record.
- Click Calculate. The payroll system will develop a gross amount, deductions, and taxes for the check.
- Review net pay information in the paycheck preview area.
- Change blocks or overrides if needed, then click Calculate to recalculate the check and preview.
- To reset the calculation previously entered, click Reset.
- If the check amounts are correct, click Save to create VM Batch and process check with next payroll.
- After saving the check, the following can now be entered: pay period dates for the check, bank account to draw funds, and check number.
- Click Print to print the check locally.
- To cancel, leave the screen.
Net to Gross Calculations and/or Manual Checks
- Check the Net to Gross checkbox and enter data in the data entry field next to "Net to Gross."
- Click Calculate. The payroll system will develop a gross amount, deductions, and taxes for the check.
- Review net pay information in the paycheck preview area.
- To reset the calculation previously entered, click Reset.
- If the check amounts are correct, click Save to create VM Batch and process check with next payroll.
- After saving the check, the following can now be entered: pay period dates for the check, bank account to draw funds, and check number.
- Click Print to print the check locally.
- To cancel, leave the screen.
- Check the Net to Gross checkbox and enter data in the data entry field next to "Net to Gross."