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Payroll - Settings - General Settings

The General Settings tab includes options for configuring General Synchronization settings for the Payroll Module.


Payroll Provider

The Payroll Provider option indicates which Payroll Provider the HRIS will connect with. Only supported payroll providers will appear on this screen. This option will generally be set once upon initialization.

Page Settings

The Page Settings checkbox allows the user the option to turn off the Payroll Entry screen if EZPay is not being utilized. If EZPay is being utilized, the second setting allows the user to determine the default view upon entry to the Payroll Entry screen.

Real Time Data Synchronization Settings

The Data Synchronization settings determine what type of data will synchronize from the HRIS to the selected Payroll Provider. When this option is enabled, the HRIS will save data directly to the Payroll Provider immediately upon saving of the information within the HRIS.

The following options are supported. Click a link below to view detailed field mapping information:

  • Employee Demographics
  • Compensation Rates
  • Direct Deposit
  • Taxes
  • Deductions

The Employee Demographics check-box includes the following two sub-options:

  • Allow Employee ID to be entered in HR when adding a new employee - when this option is enabled, the Employee ID field will be enabled for data entry when adding a new employee to the HRIS Application. When this option is not enabled, the HRIS Application will rely upon the Payroll Provider to assign the employee with an Employee ID. The Employee ID generated by the Payroll Provider will be applied to the Employee record in the HRIS Application following the save of the Employee Record.
  • Load Payroll Cost Centers to Employee Demographic - Employer Mapping tab by default - This option only applies to the Load Employee Demographic utility. When this option is enabled, then Cost Center values pulled from the Payroll Provider will be saved to the Employer Mapping tab of the Employee Demographic screen rather than to the Cost Centers Tab of the Employee Demographic screen. This option will most commonly be enabled when an HRIS Account is mapped to more than one Payroll Account and it is desired to have multiple Cost Center mappings for employees that are mapped to more than one Payroll Account. Additionally, by checking this box, the Cost Centers tab under demographics will be hidden.

Scheduled Synchronization Settings

The scheduled synchronization settings option will enable the scheduled pull of data from the selected Payroll Provider to the HRIS. The following options are supported:

  • Pay Stubs
    • Scheduled Pay Stub synchronization will enable paystubs to be pulled from Payroll on each of the Check Dates for all Pay Schedules configured in HRIS.
    • The Scheduled Synchronization runs nightly at 12:30am MST and retrieves Pay Stubs for the Check Date. For example, if the client desires stubs to be loaded 1 day prior to a Friday check date, the correct offset would be 2. That would ensure that the scheduled synchronization runs 2 days prior at 12:30AM MST and pay stubs are visible within the HRIS on Thursday.
    • If Pay Stubs have already been pulled into HRIS, or if Pay Stubs must be pulled into HRIS manually, the new Pay Stub pull will overwrite the existing Pay Stubs for the Check Date, so as not to pull duplicate Pay Stubs into HRIS.
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