Moving your new hire from the Applicant Tracking System to Onboarding is a quick and easy way to pass your new hire's information and get their paperwork started.
There are times however when the process will not proceed smoothly and will present an error like below:
"There is a Problem Adding This Candidate to Onboarding. Please contact your BirdDogHR Administrator"
The error can appear in the ATS like below:
Table of Contents
Check Onboarding Integration
For your candidate's information to be passed from your ATS to Onboarding, the integration between the two must be enabled.
- Click Administration from the top menu bar of the Applicant Tracking System and click Integration Partners on the left-hand side.
- Scroll through the Integration Partners list and click Edit Credentials for "Arcoro Onboarding".
- Select your company/account in the drop-down menu and click Save Changes.
Check for Special Characters
Check the candidate's profile for any special characters/symbols that can cause trouble such as quotation marks.
Check the Username
Look for Accent Marks
If you have the option to auto-generate usernames for Onboarding, check to see if the username for the employee has any special characters or accent marks. For example, an employee with the name "David Peña" would have the auto-generated username of "DavidPeña". The "ñ" should be replaced with an "n".
Duplicate Usernames
Check the username of the user and make sure that it does not already exist elsewhere in the system.
If possible, try removing the domain if possible, such as,,, etc from the username and pushing the candidate over to Onboarding again.
This can also be caused by the user working for another company that utilized the same ATS and has a similar username format to yours.
Erroneous Spaces
When copying/pasting a username, it is common for a space to be copied and pasted as well and go unnoticed. It does not hurt to quickly click into the username field and check if there is an extra space in the username. If there is, simply remove it.