The subject of the email template is being cut off at an unspecified character limit. The body of the email are not being displayed properly. The body of the email also appears to cut off at an unspecified character count.
Outlook security settings is not allowing some users to use this feature.
The email template should instead be an attached document in the desired step. Please direct the workflow directions to download the template and to submit to the desired recipient. If the email will always go to the same recipient be sure to add their address to the To field.
Below are instructions on how to create a template email.
- Open your Outlook app.
- Click New email
- Type a subject line for the email (If the email will always go to the same recipient please add their address in the "to" field.
- Enter your desired Body of text in the email.
- Click File > Save As > Enter the File name > Select "Outlook Template" from the drop down menu.
- Use this created template file to add as an attached document in your workflow.
- The recipient of the workflow will be able to download the email template and send using Outlook.