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General - System Utilities

The System Utilities screen provides a number of "system-level" utilities for managing data. These utilities are generally utilized during the initial configuration of the system in the event that incorrect data is imported and it is desired that data be cleared before it is re-imported.

The execution of any Utility on this screen will be logged into the Audit Log. For more information about the Audit Log, you can refer to the following article.

 Deleting Data

Deleting data via one of the System Utilities on this screen will permanently delete the data from the system.

Navigating to System Utilities
  • Expand 'Setup' and click Setup Properties from the menu.


  • Hover over 'General' and click System Utilities.



The table below describes the functionality of the various System Utilities that are available:

Utility Description
No utility selected This option is the default selected option to prevent the accidental deletion of data.
Refresh Alerts on Administration Portal homepage using the specified Effective Date This option will execute the same "nightly alert" process that executes on schedule each evening. For more information see: Alerts
Delete all Employees from the system This option will permanently delete all employees (and related data tied to an employee) from the system.
Delete all Dependents from the system This option will permanently delete all dependents (and related data tied to a dependent) from the system.
Delete Compensation Rates Data This option will permanently delete all compensation rates from the system.
Delete Compensation Transaction Data This option will permanently delete all compensation transactions from the system.
Delete Direct Deposit Data This option will permanently delete all direct deposit records from the system.
Delete Federal Tax Data This option will permanently delete all federal tax records from the system.
Delete State Tax Data This option will permanently delete all state tax records from the system.
Delete all Pay Stub records with a Pay Date equal to the specified Effective Date This option will permanently delete pay stubs with a pay date equal to the date specified in the Effective Date field.
Delete all Terminated Employee records prior to the specified Effective Date This option will permanently delete employees (and related data tied to an employee) with an Employee Status equal to "Terminated" and with a Termination Date less than the date specified in the Effective Date field.
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