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Employee Management - Manage Accounts for Core HR

An administrator can generate accounts and lock employees out of the system from the 'Manage Accounts' tab under employee management. By selecting an action and executing it, the system will update usernames based on the selected format under the 'Username Format' tab.

Navigating to Manage Accounts
  • Expand 'Setup' and click Setup Properties from the menu.


  • Hover over 'Employee Portal Setup' and click Employee Management.


  • Click the Manage Accounts tab.



Select a listed option that best suits your end goal and click Execute.


  • Create accounts for all employees that do not currently have an account – Allows an admin to create Arcoro accounts for all employees in the company that do not have them. This option does not send a verification email when the account is created.
  • Create accounts for all employees that do not have an account in group – Allows an admin to create an account for all employees in a group. This option does not send a verification email when the account is created. For more information about employee groups, you can refer to the following article.
  • Create accounts and open onboarding portal with verification emails – Create accounts and send a verification email to employees without an account. When the employee logs into the system, they are taken to the onboarding portal of Core HR.


  • Send verification emails to employees who have not verified their account – Send a verification email to all employees who have not verified their account.
  • Send verification emails to all employees who have verified their account in group –Send account verification emails to employees in a specific group that have not verified their account. For more information about employee groups, you can refer to the following article.


  • Lock all employee accounts [Excludes Administrators] – This option locks all employee accounts so these employees cannot log into the Core HR module, excluding administrators.
  • Unlock all employee accounts [Excludes Administrators] – This option unlocks all employee accounts so these employees can log into the Core HR module, excluding administrators.
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