ExakTime Connect offers a variety of methods for you to review and manage an employees time card such as:
- My Time Card - The "My Time Card" page allows an employee to review their own time card.
- Time Card Summary - Get a quick glance at your employees' overall hours, time card exceptions, and more.
- Time Card Details - View a detailed breakdown of your employees' time cards.
- Bulk Time Entry - Add the same time records to multiple employees' time cards.
All the available options can be accessed by clicking Time Cards from the menu bar.
My Time Card
The "My Time Card" page is where an employee can review their own time card and can be useful if they need to approve their time card. The page is similar to the Time Card Detail page but only shows a single employee and can be limited to prevent any changes.
Want to Learn More?
If you would like your employees to be able to view the "My Time Card" page, refer to the following article that goes over all the steps.
Time Card Summary
The Time Card Summary offers a quick glimpse of your employee's overall hours in a specified date range as well as any exceptions or comments associated with a time record.
- To the left of an employee’s name is a blue icon that takes you to the employees Time Card Details, a detailed view of an employee’s time card.
- The exceptions column indicates if an employee has an incomplete time card and requires your attention.
- The comments column indicates if any time record has a comment associated with it.
- The columns labeled REG, OT1 and OT2 show you the regular, overtime, and doubletime hours of an employee in the date range you have specified with the overall hours in the Total column.
Want to Learn More?
Learn more about Time Card Summary with the following dedicated article.
Time Card Detail
The Time Card Details area shows a breakdown of an employee’s reported time depending on their location and cost code with any comments created in the office.
- To view an employee’s time card, select the employee on the left-hand side and the appropriate date range from the date range chooser.
- In the right-hand section is a breakdown of each time entry with their reported location/jobsite, cost code, start times and stop times, as well as the total of the hours to the far right.
- Any red exclamation point symbols in a time card indicate missing information that must be corrected by the administrator editing their time record. This can commonly result from a time record not having a related clock in or out.
- Next to a start or stop time is a small “i” icon in a circle. Hovering over this icon shows you their FaceFront photo and/or their relative position if they were outside of a location's GeoFence.
- To edit a time record, click the blue pencil icon for a time entry or click on the field that you want to modify.
- To delete a time record, click the trash can icon.
- To add a time record, click and include the necessary information.
- If GPS information has been associated with a time record, you can view where the employee was during their clock in or out by clicking the globe icon which will take you to the "Map View" page.
- is used to print out the current time card you are viewing.
Want to Learn More?
Check out these articles to learn more about:
Bulk Time Entry
Time can be entered in bulk to quickly enter the same time in manually for multiple employees.
- Select the employees from the employee list on the left-hand side.
- Specify the Location, Cost Code, dates and times for the time to be added in bulk. Enter a comment that will be included with your time record if needed.
- Click at the bottom.
- You will be asked to confirm what you are entering to ensure you do not make any mistakes. Click Add when finished.
- After confirming your entry, you will be brought back to the bulk time entry screen and will receive a message that your time has been successfully added to the time cards of the chosen employees.
Want to Learn More?
Learn more about Bulk Time Entry with the following dedicated article that covers all the available options.