While time cards will automatically calculate after they are modified based on your policies, either by a time card editor or an employee clocking in/out, the time card can also be recalculated. Recalculations can occur automatically after an employee's policy has been changed or by a user clicking the "Recalculate" button on the employee's time card. A recalculation will recalculate the employee's time card based on the current policies (such as Overtime, Auto-Lunch, etc.).
Recalculation Restrictions
Recalculations will not take effect if a time card meets any of the following criteria:
- Time records are older than 3 years (1095 days) ago of the current date.
- Time records are in a pay period newer than 90 days in the future of the current date.
- Time card has been approved, pay period closed, or exported via AccountLinx.
How to Recalculate Manually
On an employee's time card detail, the Recalculate button is located towards the top of the page and underneath the summary information.
After clicking Recalculate, it will trigger ExakTime Connect to recalculate the time card based on the policies at the time of recalculation. This can be used to recalculate past time cards in past pay periods in the event that your policies were not set up properly initially (such as the daily overtime being enabled when your company only calculates overtime over a week) as changing your policies will only automatically recalculate the current pay period, but not previous pay periods.
Recalculating Previous Pay Periods
When recalculating previous pay periods, be cautious of your policies being different from when the previous pay period was originally calculated as it can result in data discrepancies.
For example:
- Your company did not calculate overtime a few years ago. Today, you are required to pay your employees overtime after 40 hours worked in a workweek so you adjust your employee policies. If you were to recalculate a past time card based on current policies, it can result in past time cards with overtime hours.
- Your company had enabled the auto-lunch setting in the past, but it has been disabled recently. If you were to recalculate a past time card that had an auto-lunch deduction after the auto-lunch has been disabled, the previous auto-lunches will be removed.
- Your company did not track travel time consistently with the travel time going towards the departure or destination location in the past. Your company decides to attribute the travel time to the destination location