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Understanding the Time Card Summary of ExakTime Connect

The 'Time Card Summary' provides you with a quick reference for your employees' time cards, any time card exceptions, quarantined time, approvals, and more.

You can also perform quick actions such as jumping directly to an employee's time card detail, approving time cards, and closing/reopening a pay period.

Navigation Steps to Time Card Summary

Go to Time Cards and click Time Card Summary.


Time Card Summary Menu

ETC - Time Card Summary - Navigation - 01.png

The 'Time Card Summary' allows you to navigate to dedicated menus for:

  • Time Card Summary - A glance at your employees' overall hours for the selected date range, indicators if their time card requires your attention, time card approval options if you have enabled 'Pay Period Time Card Approval', and more.
  • Daily Summary - A glance at your employees' overall hours per day, indicators if their time card requires your attention, the ability to approve their time cards for the given day if you have enabled 'Daily Time Card Approvals', and more.
  • Quarantined Time - A list of time punches created by your employees that cannot reach their time card until the cause of the quarantining is removed, such as time card approvals or a closed pay period. A number will indicate the number of quarantined time punches for the given date range.
  • Approval History - A list of time card approvals/unapprovals for the selected pay period.

Time Card Summary

The 'Time Card Summary' menu shows your employees' overall hours, if there are any time card issues to address, and to quickly approve/unapprove time cards if you are using pay period approvals

ETC - Time Card Summary - Pay Period Approval - 01.png

Time Card Summary Menu

ETC - Time Card Summary - Pay Period Approval - Menu - 00.png

The upper menu provides you:

  • Search Bar - Filter the employee list by name or ID.
  • Approve/Unapprove All - Quickly approve/unapprove your employee's time cards. The green number on top of the 'Approve' button indicates the number of time cards that will be approved if done. These buttons will only be available if you are viewing a pay period and you have pay period approvals enabled.
  • Date Range - Select the date range to view. If you are using pay period approvals, you must view a pay period to approve your employees' time cards.
  • # of # records exported - An indicator of how many time records have been exported via AccountLinx.
  • Close/Reopen Pay Period - If 'Pay Period Closing' has been enabled, you can close a pay period to prevent any further changes to time cards such as from policy changes, time card edits, time punches from the field, etc. You must be viewing a pay period to close/reopen a pay period.

Time Summary Grid

The time summary grid will provide your employees' overall hours for the selected date range, indicators if there are any time card issues to address, and checkboxes to approve time cards.

ETC - Time Card Summary - Pay Period Approval - Grid - 00.png

The columns will be organized based on their primary focus such as Employee, Approvals, and Time, with individual columns for data.

Clicking the column header will allow you to change the ordering of the column and clicking ⋮ in the column header allows you to change the column order and add/remove columns. 

ETC - Time Card Summary - Columns - 00.png

The grid will provide the following columns by default:

  • ETC - Time Card Summary - Time Card Detail Icon - 00.png - Click this icon will take you to the employee's time card detail page.
  • Employee 
    • ID
    • Name
  • Approvals - This set of columns will only appear if you have enabled pay period approvals and you are viewing a pay period.
    • Employee
    • Supervisor
    • Sign Off
  • Time
    • Exceptions - The number indicates how many issues need to be corrected for the time card. Time cards should still be reviewed in detail for time record corrections, incorrect locations, etc.
    • REG, OT1, OT2, Unpaid, Total - The overall hours for the given time category.
    • Exported - Indicates if the employee's records have been exported. This field can be blank for none,  ETC - Time Card Summary - Exported Partial Icon - 00.png Partial, or ETC - Time Card Summary - Exported Complete Icon - 00.png Complete. 

Daily Summary

The 'Daily Time Card Summary' menu offers a quick glance at employees' overall hours for a given day, if there are any time card issues to address, and quickly approve/unapprove time cards if you are using daily approvals

ETC - Time Card Summary - Daily Summary - 01.png

Daily Summary Menu

ETC - Time Card Summary - Daily Summary - Menu - 00.png

The upper menu provides you:

  • Search Bar - Filter the employee list by name or ID.
  • Date Range - Select the date range to view. If you are using daily approvals, you must view a pay period to approve your employees' time cards.
  • # of # records exported - An indicator of how many time records have been exported via AccountLinx.

Daily Summary Grid

The daily summary grid will organize your employees' overall hours by each day for the selected date range, provide indicators for any time card issues to address, and allow you to quickly approve/unapprove your employees' daily time card if enabled.

ETC - Time Card Summary - Daily Summary - Grid - 00.png

The columns will be organized based on their primary focus such as Employee, Approvals, and Time, with individual columns for data.

  • Your empoyees' daily hours will be organized in to expandable menus. If you are using daily approvals, you will see buttons to quickly approve/unapprove your employees' time cards for the given day.

    ETC - Time Card Summary - Daily Summary - Day - 00.png

  • Clicking the column header will allow you to change the ordering of the column and clicking ⋮ in the column header allows you to change the column order and add/remove columns. 

    ETC - Time Card Summary - Columns - 00.png

The grid will provide the following columns by default:

  • ETC - Time Card Summary - Time Card Detail Icon - 00.png - Click this icon will take you to the employee's time card detail page.
  • Employee 
    • ID
    • Name
  • Approvals - This set of columns will only appear if you have enabled daily approvals and you are viewing a pay period.
    • Employee
    • Supervisor
    • Sign Off
  • Time
    • Exceptions - The number indicates how many issues need to be corrected for the time card. Time cards should still be reviewed in detail for time record corrections, incorrect locations, etc.
    • REG, OT1, OT2, Unpaid, Total - The overall hours for the given time category.
    • Exported - Indicates if the employee's records have been exported for the day. This field can be blank for none,  ETC - Time Card Summary - Exported Partial Icon - 00.png Partial, or ETC - Time Card Summary - Exported Complete Icon - 00.png Complete. 

Quarantined Time

The 'Quarantined Time' menu will list any time punches that cannot reach the employee's time card due to a closed pay period and/or approved time card. When all the causes for a quarantined time punch have been removed (i.e. Reopening a pay period and unapproving a time card at all levels), the quarantined time punches will be automatically added to the employee's time card.

ETC - Time Card Summary - Quarantined Time - 00.png

The upper menu provides you:

  • Search Bar - Filter the employee list by name or ID.
  • Date Range - Select the date range to view.

The quarantined time grid will provide the following columns:

  • Employee
    • ID - The ID of the employee the time punch is for.
    • Employee - The name of the employee.
  • Time Details
    • Date - The date and time that the time punch was created.
    • Location - The location associated with the time punch.
    • Cost Code - The cost code of the time punch. If the time punch is a clock out, "Out" will be listed.
    • Device - The name of the device used to create and send the time punch.
      • If you notice a device name consistently being listed here, you should investigate why time punches are consistently quarantined from the device.

Learn more about Quarantined Time such as granting permission to view it from our dedicated article.

Approval History

The 'Approval History' menu will list any time card approvals/unapprovals for the selected pay period.

ETC - Time Card Summary - Approval History - 01.png

The upper menu provides you:

  • Search Bar - Filter the employee list by name or ID.
  • Date Range - Select a pay period to view your approval history. If you do not select a pay period, you will be prompted with a message to select a pay period to view your approval history.

The approval history grid will provide the following columns by default:

  • Employee
    • ID - The ID of the employee the time punch is for.
    • Employee - The name of the employee.
  • Time
    • Work Date - This column will only be available if you are using daily approvals.
  • Approvals
    • Approval Date - When the approval/unapproval was performed. The date/time of the approval/unapproval is relative to you.
    • Approval Action - If the time card was approved or unapproved.
    • Approval Type - The level of time card approval performed.
    • Approval By - The employee that approved/unapproved the time card.
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