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Guide to ExakTime Mobile Security Roles

An employee's ExakTime Mobile Security Role determines what an employee can do with ExakTime Mobile. The security role is created in ExakTime Connect and assigned to an employee. Only one ExakTime Mobile security role can be assigned to an employee, but multiple security roles can be created to accommodate what your supervisors or employees need to do in ExakTime Mobile.

Table of Contents

Expand for Navigation Steps to Security Roles

Go to Manage in the Menu Bar and click Security Roles.


Understanding Security Roles Page


  1. ExakTime Mobile/ExakTime Connect Tabs - View and adjust Security Roles for ExakTime Mobile or ExakTime Connect.
  2. Add Security Role
  3. Security Roles - The security roles that will grant employees any given permissions.
  4. Role Name – Name of the security role. The field can be used to edit the name of a Non-Default role. 
  5. Permissions Tab - Permissions for the selected Security Role.
  6. Employee Members Tab - A list of all employees with checkboxes to indicate if they belong or should have the security role. Can also be used to assign a security role to an employee. For more information, refer to the appropriate section.
  7. Permissions/Employee Members – A list of permissions of all available permissions for a Security Role or employee members, depending on the tab selected.

Security Roles


New security roles can be created with the Add Security Role button.

There are 4 default roles for ExakTime Mobile.

  • Administrator - Provides almost all available permissions for ExakTime Mobile and their permissions cannot be changed (the GeoTrakker permission cannot be enabled for an Administrator). This role is generally intended for ExakTime admins such as an office manager, accountants, etc. to use and better understand its functionality.
  • Supervisor - Limited permissions in ExakTime Mobile by default, but more than an Employee security role. The permissions can be adjusted to offer more/less functionality. This role is generally intended for employees who manage others.
  • Employee - Limited permissions in ExakTime Mobile by default. The permissions can be adjusted to offer more/less functionality.
  • No Access - Has no permissions enabled and cannot access ExakTime Mobile. This role is generally the default security role for new employees.

Permissions Tab

The ExakTime Mobile permissions will determine what an employee can view and do in ExakTime Mobile. To ensure basic functionality, all employees with any ExakTime Mobile Security Role will be able to clock in/out for themselves and this ability cannot be taken away.

For more information about ExakTime Mobile permissions and what they do, refer to the following article for additional information.


Employee Members Tab


The employee member's tab will list your employees so you can quickly view your employee's security role and assign the currently selected ExakTime Mobile security role. If an employee does not have a PIN when assigning a security role, you will be prompted to enter one.

  • In Role - The checkboxes indicate if the employee has the currently selected Security Role assigned and can be used to assign/unassign the Security Role to the employee.
  • Active - If the employee is active in ExakTime.
  • ID
  • Name
  • Mobile - If the employee already has access to ExakTime Mobile. If an employee does not have a PIN when assigning a security role, you will be prompted to enter one. 
  • Security Role - The employee's current security role. 

For more instructions on assigning a security role through the Security Roles page, refer to the following article

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