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How to Add a Location (Jobsite) in ExakTime Connect

Locations are used to track time for, such as how long an employee worked at a location. These locations can vary from internal locations such as the office or external locations for clients.

 Avoid Emojis

When adding/editing a location, please do not enter an emoji into the text fields as it can result in unforeseen issues.

 Adding Locations in Bulk

If you need to add numerous locations and do not have SyncLinx, then you can import them in bulk with a CSV file. For more information on this process, you can refer to the following article.

  • Go to Manage in the Menu bar and click Locations.


  • Click Add Location.


  • You will be taken to the "Add Location" page to enter information for this job.


  1. The only mandatory field is the location name which will be seen and used within ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile.
    • While not mandatory, we advise entering a location ID and address if possible.
  2. The location ID can be used information such as job numbers to match with job information in your accounting package.
  3. The main purpose of the address is to find the GPS coordinates associated with the address and create a GeoFence radius to let you know if the employee was actually there or not.
  • If you want to double-check the GPS for a location or input your own, you can go to the GPS tab.


  • GPS Coordinates and the GeoFence radius can be entered or adjusted in the appropriate fields to the left of the map.


  • When a GPS coordinate is placed on to the map, it can be adjusted by clicking a dragging the coordinate or expanding the GeoFence by clicking and dragging within the green circle.


  • When finished, click Save if this is the only location you will be entering or Save and New if you would like to add another location.
  •   Additional Information

    For more information regarding the location details page, you can refer to Location Details

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