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Enabling Employee Time Card Approvals on ExakTime Mobile

Mobile employee approvals is a current feature to ExakTime Connect/Mobile that will allow your employees to approve their time cards directly from the ExakTime Mobile app.

If you are interested in having your supervisor approve time cards of other employees or more information about time card approvals, please check out the following comprehensive article

Table of Contents

Setting Up Mobile Time Card Approvals

Enable Time Card Approval

Before your employees can begin to use the Mobile Time Card Approvals, you must first enable Time Card Approvals. If you have already enabled Time Card Approvals, you can skip to the next section.

  • Go to Manage and click on Company Settings.


  • Click the Time & Attendance tab.


  • Go to Time Card Approvals and enable the option.


  • Press Save.

Enable Mobile Time Card Approval

  • Go to Manage and click on Security Roles.


  • Under the ExakTime Mobile tab, select the security role that will be approving their own time card. You can also add a new security role if needed. Administrators will have this enabled by default.


  • Enable "Can Approve Own Time Card."
    • "Can Approve Time Cards That Have Exceptions" allows employees to approve their time card even if their time card is incomplete or needs to be corrected e.g. the employee forgot to clock in or out on a day, overlapping time, etc.


  • Press Save.

Additional Mobile Time Card Approval Options

By default, the Mobile Time Card Approval will only have the employee push an Approve button. You can require them to enter a signature and/or see an approval message.

  • Go to Manage and click on Company Settings.


  • Click on the Time Card Approval tab.


  • Scroll down and expand the "Mobile Approval Message and Signature Options" section.
    Enable the employee signature requirement and/or the approval message.
    After entering the approval message, you can enter the Spanish and French translations as needed.


  • Press Save.

What Employees Will Do

Your employees should only approve at the end of the pay period or as instructed by you. Approving their time before their pay period ends can result in future time records going into Quarantined time.

Internet Access and having hours are required to approve their time card from ExakTime Mobile. If they do not have mobile data/Wi-Fi or a blank time card, they cannot approve their time card from ExakTime Mobile. 

If you would like to provide an article to your employees on how to approve their time card, you can provide them with the following article.

  • Tap the menu button ☰ in the top left of ExakTime Mobile and tap Approvals.


  • The employee will first see a summary of their hours for their time card. If they want to view a breakdown of their hours, they can press Details.


  • Your employees will see a message of any time card problems, such as a missing clock in/out. Tapping Details as shown above will show them problem days and time records with a red exclamation point icon EM_-_Time_Card_-_Red_Icon.png. If there are any issues, they should contact their supervisor or ExakTime administrator for assistance with getting their time card corrected.


  • When the employees are ready to approve their time cards, they will press the Approve button. Your employees will be presented with a message and/or field to enter their signature.


  • They will see a small green checkmark and the words 'Approved' in the top right of the approvals screen after their time card approval has been submitted. Your employees can tap Unapprove if they need to unapprove their time card.


Employee Resources

You can provide your employees with the following article that will instruct them on how to approve time cards. The article can also be found from ExakTime Mobile in the help section.

Reviewing Employees Approvals

Reviewing an employees approvals can be done from three locations: the time card details, time card summary, and reports.

With Time Card Details

While you are viewing an employees time card detail, you will see a 'Signed" indicator underneath their time card hours summary showing the employee's time card approval.


Hovering over the 'Signed' indicator lets you see the employee's signature.


With Time Card Summary

While you are viewing the time card summary, you can use the column manager to add the column to see the employee's signature. In this column, a 'View' link will indicate there is a signature. Hover over 'View' to view the employees signature.



With the Touch Detail Report

You can enable a report specific option for the Touch Detail report to view employee approval/signatures for the specified pay periods.



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