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Filter Tab for Creating a Data Export in Core HR

The "Filters" tab allows you to filter the output of the export. The "Filter" tab is available with the "Advanced Mode" has been selected from the "Properties" tab.

For most exports, you will use this feature to exclude any test employees in the system. It is recommended when adding test employees, you use a standard naming convention. For example, if all of your test employees have the last name "Test", you can have the filter exclude any Employee with the last name of Test from the export's output. 

You will also use this feature when creating COBRA files. For New Hire (DOL, NPM) files you will filter the data for export reasons, Employee Added and Dependent Added. For QE files you will filter the data for export reasons, Employee Terminated and Dependent Terminated.

We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

Navigating to Filter Tab for a Data Export
  • Expand Data, expand Exports, and click Manage from the menu.

    CHR - Menu - Data - Exports - Manage - 00.png

  • Click the name of an existing data export or go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Export. If creating a new export, you also have to complete the "Properties" tab first.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Create - Edit - 01.png

  • Click the Filter tab. If the "Filter" tab is not present, the Mode of the Data Export is set to 'Basic' on the "Properties" tab.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Tabs - Filter - 00.png


Setting Up a Filter

  1. Select the field that will be used to filter the Export from the drop-down menu.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 00.png

  2. Select the Qualifier from the drop-down on how to include or exclude data.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 01.png

    • Equal To
    • Not Equal To
    • Less Than
    • Greater Than
    • Less Than Or Equal To
    • Greater Than Or Equal To
    • Is One Of
    • Is Not One Of
  3. Enter a specific alpha-numeric value in the Value field. The value must be a valid value for the field selected.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 02.png

  4. Click Save when finished.
  5. The filter will appear in the list towards the bottom.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 03.png

Adding Multiple Filters


After adding a filter, a Conjunction drop-down will be available to allow you to create multiple levels for filters with an "OR" or "AND".

For example:

  • First Filter: "Last Name" "Not Equal" to "Test"
  • Second Filter: "AND" "Employee SSN" "Not Equal" to "123456789"

Deleting a Filter

  1. Select the filter(s) to delete with the checkboxes towards the right-hand side.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 04.png

  2. Select Delete Selected Record(s) from the drop-down menu.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 05.png

  3. Confirm the deletion of the filter(s).

    CHR - Data - Exports - Filters - 06.png

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