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Pay Period Reports for Managers

The following options are available:

  • Summary
  • Time Clock
  • Timesheet
  • Job Costing
  • Configuration



Report Name Description
Manager Pay Period Summary Displays a summary of data grouped by Manager.
Consolidated Pay Period Summary Displays a summary of employee data for both Time Clock and Timesheet time cards.
Consolidated Pay Period Summary - Weekly View Displays a summary of employee data for both Time Clock and Timesheet time cards grouped by Week. This view also includes a break out of Time Off data by Time Off Type.
Employee Project Summary Displays a summary of employee data grouped by Employee and Project.
Employee Project Summary with Time Off Displays a summary of employee data, including Time Off data, grouped by Employee and Project.
Project Summary Displays a summary of employee data grouped by Project.
Project Hierarchy Summary Displays a summary of employee data grouped by Project Hierarchy.

Time Clock

Report Name Description
Time Clock Pay Period Summary Displays a summary of employee data for Time Clock time cards.
Avg Punch Times Displays average Clock In and Clock Out times by employee.
Missing Punches Report Displays employees that have missing punches with option to drill into employee records to view detail data.
Time Clock Time Cards Displays a detailed Time Clock time cards for each employee entering data via the Time Clock. This includes Time Off Data.
Punch Trends Report Displays punch trends for employees. This includes early/late punches and punches against Lunch and Break Policies. Please Note: This displays in minutes.
Time Clock - Changes After Approval Displays Time Clock Transactions that were updated after the Approval Date of the Time Card. This report is driven by the date the record was last modified. Please include this date in the custom date range above.
Time Clock - Punches with Time Off Displays Time Clock Daily Total where Time Clock Hours are greater than 8 hours with Time Off Hours.
Time Clock Transactions Displays a summary of all employee data for Time Clock Transactions.
Absent Employees Displays employees that were absent (did not clock in or out and no PTO).


Report Name Description
Timesheet Pay Period Summary Displays a summary of employee data for Timesheet time cards.
Timesheet Time Cards Displays a detailed Timesheet time cards for each employee entering data via the Timesheet. This includes Time Off Data.
Timesheet Transactions Displays a detailed Timesheet Transactions for each employee

Job Costing

Report Name Description
Job Costing by Project Displays Job Costing Summary information by Project and Employee.
Job Costing by Cost Center 1 Displays Job Costing Summary information by Cost Center 1 and Employee.
Job Costing by Cost Center 2 Displays Job Costing Summary information by Cost Center 2 and Employee.
Job Costing by Cost Center 3 Displays Job Costing Summary information by Cost Center 3 and Employee.
Job Costing by Cost Center 4 Displays Job Costing Summary information by Cost Center 4 and Employee.
Job Costing by Cost Center 5 Displays Job Costing Summary information by Cost Center 5 and Employee.
Job Costing Report Displays the Job Costing for the selected Pay Period grouped by Manager.


Report Name Description
Entry Type Assignments* Displays the Time Entry Configuration for employees grouped by Manager.
Project Assignments* Displays the Project Assignments for employees grouped by Manager.
Project Listing** Displays Project Information grouped by Category.
Schedule Displays the schedule for the selected Pay Period.
Schedule by Manager Displays the schedule for the selected Pay Period grouped by Manager.
Cost Center Assignments* Displays the Project Assignments for employees grouped by Manager.
Pay Rates Report* Displays the Pay Rates for employees grouped by Manager.
Consolidated Transactions Displays the Consolidated Transactions for the selected Pay Period grouped by Manager.

* Report does not use the selected Year, Pay Schedule, or Pay Period. Rather the report includes all data for the selected Manager.
** Report does not use the Filter. Rather the report includes all Project Information.

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