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Why is My Employee Still or Not Seeing a Feature/Option on ExakTime Mobile?

ExakTime Mobile offers a variety of options and features to help your employees and supervisors track their time, review and approve their time cards, and more. There can be instances where a button or a feature is still or not appearing as expected for your employees. Many of these options and features depend on your company's settings, security roles, and ExakTime Mobile version. If a user is still or not seeing an option/feature as expected, you can check the following:

Table of Contents

Confirm the Root of the Issue

If you have a copy of ExakTime Mobile nearby, like on your phone, sign in on the device with the affected employee's PIN to help verify where the problem may be coming from.

Double-Check Settings & Permissions

If ExakTime Mobile is on the latest version and has been synced, then it is possible that the settings are not properly configured within ExakTime Connect. After making any changes in ExakTime Connect, your ExakTime Mobile users should sync their copies of ExakTime Mobile to receive the changes.

Company Settings

A majority of ExakTime features, such as Equipment & Expenses, must be appropriately toggled from the 'Optional Features' of the "Company Settings" page of ExakTime Connect

Security Roles

A majority of features/options are dependent on the employee's ExakTime Mobile Security Role such as Time Cards, Time Card Approvals, and more. Check that the ExakTime Mobile Security Role has the appropriate permission enabled and that the employee has the correct ExakTime Mobile Security Role.


Make sure that the "Show employee, location, cost code, and equipment groups in ExakTime Mobile" option is enabled from the "Other" tab in "Company Settings" on ExakTime Connect.

If the "Show employee, location, cost code, and equipment groups in ExakTime Mobile" option is enabled, make sure that the crew/group has been set to appear in ExakTime Mobile.

Mobile Forms

Mobile Forms must be assigned to the employee(s) and made active on ExakTime Connect from the Form Manager.

Meal Break Button

The "Meal Break" button depends on the employee's policy group having the "Manual Meal Break" option enabled. Check that the "Manual Meal Break" option has been enabled and set up.

Sync ExakTime Mobile

A common solution to still or not seeing an option/feature is having the affected employee sync their copy of ExakTime Mobile. As ExakTime Mobile is designed to function with no internet, it has to periodically sync with ExakTime Connect to receive any data for new or existing entities, and what employees have permission to access. After making any changes in ExakTime Connect that would affect ExakTime Mobile, there may be a short delay before ExakTime Mobile can sync and receive the new changes. This delay generally does not exceed 15 minutes.

Syncing can be set to automatically sync periodically while ExakTime Mobile is open and can be synced manually. After syncing, it may also help to log out and log back in to ExakTime Mobile to refresh any menus.

If a manual sync does not correct the issue, you can do a full sync instead. As a normal sync will only update ExakTime Mobile data for new or recent changes, a full sync will redownload all the information again. This should be rarely done. If you have to perform a full sync routinely, please let us know so we investigate the root cause with you.

Manual Sync

Any employee can Sync manually by pressing the Sync button found through ExakTime Mobile on the Time Clock screen or from the Menu.


Full Sync
  1. Press the three lines in the top left to open the Menu and press Help.

    EM - Help - Full Sync - 00.png

  2. Press Support.

    EM - Help - Full Sync - 01.png

  3. Press 11113 on the number pad.

    EM - Help - Full Sync - 02.png

  4. You should view a confirmation message towards the bottom of the app.

    EM - Help - Full Sync - 03.png

  5. Sync the device manually by pressing Sync or the sync button. The sync process may take longer than a typical sync.
    EM - Syncing - New - 00.png

Update ExakTime Mobile

New features and options for ExakTime Mobile are generally introduced in newer versions of ExakTime Mobile. If an Employee is using an older version of ExakTime Mobile they should update it to the latest version. 

If you or the affected employee(s) are unsure where to find the version number of ExakTime Mobile or are unfamiliar with updating ExakTime Mobile, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

Current Supported OS & ExakTime Mobile Version

As of October 2024, the latest version of:

  • iOS is version 18.
  • Android is version 15.

As of December 2024, the latest version of ExakTime Mobile is 2.97 and supports the following OS versions:

  • iOS versions 17 and 18.
  • Android versions 13, 14, and 15.

Please keep in mind that ExakTime Mobile only supports the following iOS and Android versions:

  • iOS: The latest public version and up to one previous version.
  • Android: The latest public version and up to two previous versions.

If the employee is unable to update ExakTime Mobile to the latest version listed above, it may be due to the device using an unsupported OS version. In these instances, the employee will be unable to use a given feature of ExakTime Mobile until they can update their device's OS and ExakTime Mobile. If possible, an affected employee can borrow a device that can run the appropriate version of ExakTime Mobile to use the feature. 

Minimum Required Version for New Features

It is ideal for all employees to use the latest version to mitigate any irregularities and confusion, but if it is not possible, the minimum required version of ExakTime Mobile for newer features. 

  • Push Notifications via ExakTime Mobile - Requires 2.81 or newer
  • Meal Breaks - Requires 2.82 or newer
  • Time Off Requests/Approvals - Requires 2.85 or newer
  • Time Record Comments on Mobile Time Cards - Requires 2.88 or newer
  • Meal Breaks with Clock For - Requires 2.89 or newer
  • New Scheduler - Requires 2.90 or newer
  • Daily Time Card Approvals - Requires 2.97 or newer
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