Arcoro is excited to announce the release of our new Scheduler feature. This article will describe the software updates and provide details for a better understanding.
What is Scheduler?
Schedule your workforce with ease with ExakTime’s new Scheduler feature. With Scheduler, a user can build employee schedules using a calendar-based interface. Each scheduled shift contains key details such as location(s), cost code(s), tasks to be completed, pertinent attachments, and notes. Employees can view their schedule and shift information via ExakTime Mobile, and even clock directly into their shift.
If you have access to the new Scheduler, you can learn more about the feature and its menus with the following dedicated resources.
You can view a quick rundown of the new Scheduler with the information below.
ExakTime Connect
Navigating to Scheduler
Scheduler is moving to Tools and can be found with Tools > Scheduler.
Scheduler Menu
The new Scheduler calendar has been given a new look with various options such as:
- View schedules based on up to 10 selected employees or locations.
- View the schedules based on a time zone.
- Display the calendars vertically or horizontally.
- View calendars by the day, week, month, agenda, or timeline.
View Activity
The Scheduler page has a built-in activity log to help with any auditing needs.
Creating a Shift
You can create a new shift by clicking on a date/time block on the calendar (either from the Employees or Locations view) or by clicking and dragging the calendar for the desired shift length.
The 'Add Shift' menu will open and allow you to set up the details for the shift, the tasks to be completed, and provide notes/attachments for employees to view.
Shift Details
Shifts can be created as a single instance or recurrence patterns can be set up. There is also flexibility in how to use locations as cost codes. A single location/cost code can be used for the entirety of the shift, or multiple locations/cost codes can be used during a shift by utilizing Tasks.
Tasks can be used to help clarify the work to be done for a particular shift. Tasks are optional if location/cost codes are set at the shift level.
The Notes tab can be used to further clarify work to be done on a particular shift. Upload pertinent documents for a shift. 10 is the maximum number of attachments allowed and the maximum size per file is 25mb.
Scheduler Alerts & Notifications
The new Scheduler has several different notifications that can be enabled. Notifications can help inform both employees and supervisors of key information such as an upcoming shift or if an employee is late for a shift. Notifications can be set up to be sent via ExakTime Mobile, text, or email. Scheduler Alerts & Notifications can be found under Tools > Alerts & Notifications.
Scheduler Reports
ExakTime offers six different Scheduler reports; Scheduled Shifts by Employee, Scheduled Shifts by Location, Early Employee, Late Employee, No Show Employee, and Scheduled Shifts with Clock In/Out Variance. Reports can be filtered for reviewing specific data points. Scheduler reports can be found under Reports > Scheduler (New Version).
ExakTime Mobile
Scheduler for ExakTime Mobile has received a new look so users can view their shift information directly in the app, including any tasks, notes, or attachments included in the shift. With the tap of a button, users can also clock themselves directly into their shift. Supervisors will also be able to view the schedules for those employees within their viewset as well as clock them into their schedule
Mobile Device & App Requirements
Scheduler (New Version) feature is available on both iOS and Android platforms for phones and tablets. Users will need to be running an iOS/Android operating system version that is supported by ExakTime Mobile and will be on ExakTime Mobile version 2.90 or higher to get the updates.