Module Navigation

My Learning Plans

Navigating to My Learning Plans
  • On the Learning Management page, click Home from the top menu bar.


  • Click My Learning Plans if not already viewing.


Learning Plans


  • Employees can view multiple Learning Plans assigned to them. Use the Learning Plan drop-down menu to view any additional assigned Learning Plans. Select the learning plan and click Go.


  • Manually mark items as completed, like Tasks or Documents, with the checkbox under the Complete column. Courses and Evaluations will be marked as complete automatically. Once the Learning Plan is complete, the plan will no longer appear under My Learning Plans, but will be available under the My Training History.


Enrolled Courses


Employees may have the option to browse the course catalog and self-enroll into a course. After enrollment, the course will be listed at the bottom of the LMS Home page.

The employee can launch the course by clicking the Course Title. They can view the details of the course/class, withdraw from the course/class, along with any approval status under the Status column, if applicable. Employees cannot withdraw from a required class.

Some courses may require the employee to Request Approval, where the employee would need to wait for their manager to approve them to take the course.

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