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Utilities for Accounts


  • Select Accounts
  • Select Utilities 

You should see the screen below the following options available.

  • Benefit Structure Copy - The Benefit Structure Copy Utility provides for the ability to copy benefits and plans from one Account to another. This can be used to copy similar benefit structures across accounts without having to configure the structure individually for each account.
  • Eligibility Rule Copy - The Eligibility Rule Copy Utility provides for the ability to copy eligibility rules from one Account to another. This can be used to copy similar rules across accounts without having to configure the rules individually for each account.
  • Data export Copy - The Data Export Copy Utility provides for the ability to copy exports from one Account to another. This is most often used to copy Carrier Exports from one account to another in order to avoid having to configure an identical export for each Account.
  • Event Configuration Copy - This Event Configuration Copy Utility allows you to copy the Event configurations from one Account to another.
  • Workflow Copy - This option provides the ability to copy workflows from one account into another.
    • Use the left-hand drop-down menu to select the Account to copy from. When the account in the Copy from section has been selected, the system will load ALL of the workflows within the account. This includes Active and Inactive workflows.
    • Use the right-hand drop-down menu to select the account to copy the workflow into. Please note that any documents that have been assigned to the workflows will NOT copy over. This is to help prevent documents from one company end up on another company’s workflow.
  • Data Custom Import CopyThe Custom Import Copy Utility provides for the ability to copy custom imports from one Account to another. This is most often used to copy imports from one account to another in order to avoid having to configure an identical import for each Account.

The Configuration Utilities allow an Enterprise Administrator to copy the structure of existing configurations.


Note: To copy any information from one client or company into another, you must have both companies created and saved into the HRIS system.  For benefit structure copy, you must also have a package saved and created in the company you are copying into. 

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