Module Navigation

Guide to Course Assignment

Course assignments can be made from the Course Assignment page, or by locating the course within the course catalog and select "enroll others in this course." If you want to enroll employees through the Course Catalog, you can refer to How to Enroll Others in a Course/Class

Navigating to Course Assignment

From the top menu, click Manager Tools and click Course Assignment.


  1. Using the Select Student field, select the Employee(s) that should have the course assigned.


  2. Previous Course Assignments will appear below with the following actions:
    • Edit - To change the course assignment and whether the course is Required or Recommended.
    • Delete - Remove the course assignment.
    • Click on the title of the course to go right to the course within the catalog to view the details regarding the course.
    • If Edit and Delete are not available, then the courses have been assigned through Required/Recommended Courses and must be removed through the same method. For more information, refer to Setting Up Required/Recommended Courses


  3. Click Add New Item to assign a new course to the selected employee(s).


  4. Select the course you are wanting to assign from the drop-down menu.


    Select Required/Recommended, this will also appear for the employee to view when browsing the course catalog:

    • Required - Will show up under the employees My Assigned Courses.
    • Recommended - Will show up under the employees My Assigned Courses.
  5. For Required courses:


    • Select a Due Date when this course needs to be completed.
    • Choose an email reminder frequency:
      • No Email Reminders, Once, Daily, Every three days, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly.
      • If you set up reminders as a part of the course assignment, employees will receive those reminders as they approach the course due date.
  6. Press Save

Employees can access their courses via their dashboard (Home) under My Learning Plans or from the My Assigned Courses tab.

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