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Open Enrollment Templates and Communications Strategy

The objective for open enrollment communications is to inform and educate benefits-eligible employees about their options and the action they need to take. It’s also an opportunity to remind employees about a vital part of their compensation, so even if it’s a passive enrollment with no changes, some communication makes sense.

The templates are designed to offer a customizable starting point to help you get employees the information they need.

Included in the templates is suggested standard language as well as suggested language for different scenarios such as passive versus active enrollment. These assume you have other materials such as a benefits guide.

Using the templates as a starting point you should be able to make them your own with minimal effort, freeing you up for some of the other work related to open enrollment!

Here are our suggestions for when to send these emails and potential attachments or links. Remember: You can post OE materials on the Arcoro platform for employees to access before or during their enrollment.

Communication Format Sent by Timing Can include

Open Enrollment Announcement (No Changes)

Email template


1 to 2 weeks before OE

Benefits guide

Open Enrollment Announcement (Changes)

Email template


1 to 2 weeks before OE

Benefits guide, changes highlights, other info such as telemedicine promotion, login instructions

Login Instructions

Plain text



You can use these instructions to create a pdf attachment for any OE email

Enrollment Is Open (No Changes)

Email template


OE open date

Benefits guide

Enrollment Is Open (Changes)

Email template


OE open date

Benefits guide, changes highlights, other info such as telemedicine promotion, login instructions

Open Enrollment Reminder (In Process)

Email template

Arcoro system

1 week prior to close

This can be sent twice; suggest one week before and 2 days before close.

Open Enrollment Reminder (No Action Taken)

Email template

Arcoro system

1 week prior to close

This can be sent twice; we suggest one week before and 2 days before close.

Open Enrollment Is Closed

Email template


OE close date


Open Enrollment Announcement (No Changes)


It’s almost time to make your annual benefits choices!


<Greeting: for example, Dear Employee, Dear Team Member, Hello>

<Annual enrollment> <Open enrollment> is your once-a-year opportunity to review all your <company name> benefits and make any needed updates. Your benefits are an important part of being an employee at <company> and we work hard to offer a program that will meet your needs.

Even if you’re happy with your current benefits, it’s always a good idea to look at your coverage to make sure it’s still appropriate for you. This includes your healthcare plan but also other benefits like life insurance, disability insurance and even dental and vision.

What You Need to Do

If you want to make any changes you’ll be able to do so from <OE open date> to <OE close date>.

If you don’t need to make any changes you’ll automatically have the same benefits for <the next plan year><year>. <If plan has defaults or zero-outs—like FSA—adjust sentence to include caveat.>

If you want more information about your <company name> benefits, make sure to check out your benefits guide <which is attached, available on the HR intranet, etc>.

What's Next

We’ll send you another email when <annual enrollment><open enrollment> starts, so keep an eye out!

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Open Enrollment Announcement (Changes)


It’s almost time to make your annual benefits choices!


<Greeting: for example, Dear Employee, Dear Team Member, Hello>

<Annual enrollment> <Open enrollment> is your once-a-year opportunity to review all your <company name> benefits and make any needed updates. Your benefits are an important part of being an employee at <company> and we work hard to offer a program that will meet your needs.

What You Need to Know

For next year, we’re making some changes to our benefits that you need to be aware of. These changes are designed to <Provide high-level rationale if appropriate, e.g., give you more options, make our benefits more competitive, give you the opportunity to pay less up front for your medical coverage, give you the opportunity to put aside money to pay for your out-of-pocket costs, etc.>

Here’s an overview of what’s changing.

  • Change 1
  • Change 2
  • Change 3

To make sure you have all the information you need about your benefits we’ll be hosting benefits enrollment information meetings. Please plan to attend one of these sessions or watch the recording we’ll send out.

  • Date, location, time
  • Date, location, time
  • Date, location, time

<If active enrollment> To enroll for next year, you’ll have to make new elections during the enrollment period even if you want the same benefit options you currently have. <Annual enrollment> <Open enrollment> will be from <OE open date> to <OE close date>. <If a plan option is being retired, include information about default plan.>

What You Need to Do

If you want to make any changes you can do so from <OE open date> to <OE close date>.
What’s Next
We’ll send you another email when <annual enrollment><open enrollment> starts, so keep an eye out!

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Login instructions

Making your benefits choices is as easy as 1, 2, 3

To use our online enrollment system, follow these three easy steps.

Step 1: Log in.

Go to <><>, enter your user name and password, and choose Log In.

  • If you’re a first-time user or forgot your password, choose the First time user or Reset ID and password link.
  • To create or reset your password, enter your birthday and Social Security number when prompted, choose Find my record and follow the onscreen instructions.

Step 2: Go to the Open Enrollment event.

  • Under Change Events you’ll see your open enrollment. Just choose Begin Event to get started.

Step 3: Make your benefits choices.

  • The system will walk you through your options for each benefit so just follow the online instructions. When you’re done, make sure to save and review your choices.

Enrollment Is Open (No Changes)


It’s time to make your annual benefits choices!


<Greeting: for example, Dear Employee, Dear Team Member, Hello>

<Annual enrollment> <Open enrollment> starts today.

Now is the time to review all your <company name> benefits and make any updates or changes.
Benefits are an important safety net, so don’t be on auto-pilot. It’s smart to take a few minutes to review all your options and costs to make sure your benefits continue to meet your needs.
If you still like what you have, you don’t need to do anything. But, if you want to make any changes remember that <annual enrollment><open enrollment> ends on <date>. < If plan has defaults or zero-outs—like FSA—adjust sentence to include those details>.

What You Need to Do

To review your coverages, options and costs, log in to our enrollment system at <><>.

Remember: Review your coverage and make any changes from <OE open date> through <OE close date.>

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Enrollment Is Open (Changes)


It’s time to make your annual benefits choices!


<Greeting: for example, Dear Employee, Dear Team Member, Hello>

<Annual enrollment> <Open enrollment> starts today.

Now is the time to review all your <company name> benefits and make your choices for the coming year.

What You Need to Do

<If active enrollment> To enroll for next year, you’ll have to make new elections during the enrollment period even if you want the same benefit options you currently have.

<If passive> If you still like what you have, you don’t need to do anything. But, if you want to make any changes remember that <annual enrollment><open enrollment> ends on <date>.

<If new option/mapping> If you don’t make any changes, your healthcare coverage will automatically default to <XXX> and this will be your plan for next year.

If you haven’t attended a benefits information session, please watch one of the recorded meetings to understand the benefits changes and your new options.

To review your coverages, options, and costs, log in to our enrollment system at <><>.

Remember: Review your coverage and make any changes from <OE open date> through <OE close date.>

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Open Enrollment Reminder (In Process)


Don’t forget to complete your benefits enrollment for next year!


It looks like you started your benefits enrollment but didn’t complete your enrollment event, so we just wanted to send a reminder.

To review your coverages, options and costs and save your choices, log in to our enrollment system at <><>.
Remember: You need to make sure you save and confirm on the review page for your choices to be complete.

Once you complete your benefit enrollment event you’ll receive an email with a benefits statement.

<If elections are pended for admin approval: Once your elections are reviewed and approved, you’ll receive an email with a benefits statement.>

You can also review your selections by logging in to the enrollment system and choosing benefits statements from the menu.

You have until <OE close date> to make your elections or changes for next year so there’s still time to complete your enrollment to make sure you have the benefits you want.

If you have any questions, <contact information/instructions>.

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Open Enrollment Reminder (No Action Taken)


Don’t forget to make your benefits enrollment for next year!


It looks like you haven’t started your benefits elections for next year, so we just wanted to send a reminder.

You have until <OE close date/time> to make your elections or changes for next year so there’s still time to do your enrollment to make sure you have the benefits you want.

To review your coverages, options and costs and make your choices, log in to our enrollment system at <><>.

If you have any questions, <contact information/instructions>.

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

Open Enrollment Is Closed


Benefits enrollment has ended for next year.


The enrollment period for next year’s benefits is now over. If you made any changes or added any dependents or coverages, your new benefits will be effective on <DATE.>

If you want a reminder of your benefits choices and costs, just log on to <><> and choose benefits statements from the menu.

<Sender, Your HR team, etc>

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