Navigating to Course Information Page
- Go to Class Catalog.
- Click the name of the course that needs a class.
The information presented for the course is:
- Course No. - The automatically generated course number.
- Course Ref Number - Typically used within an organization as a numbering sequence to track courses.
- Training Type - Default options are Instructor Led Training (ILT), Online Training(OLT), Virtual Instructor Led (VILT), On the Job Training (OJT), and Task.
- Approvals - The approval required for an employee. The types of approvals can be instructor, training admin, and/or supervisor approval.
- Cost -The cost of a course and track ROI.
- Auto-Enroll
- Course Title - Title of the Course.
- Course Version Number - The version number of a course can be used to track which iteration of the course an employee completes.
- Course Description - The description when viewing the course in the catalog as well as when viewing course details after registration.
- Reference Materials Link - A link to documentation in the Knowledge Base or anywhere employees are able to access relevant documents.
- Course Notes - Relevant notes for a course.
- CEU - Continuing Education Unit earned upon course completion.
- Duration - The estimated time to complete the course.
- Mastery Score - The passing score for the course.
- Categories - Helps employees filter the course catalog to the given categories.
- Author - The creator of the course.
The buttons available may differ depending on your permissions/role.
- Edit - Edit the course information. For additional information, you can refer to Editing a Course
- Deactivate/Activate Course - Activate or deactivate a course from the course catalog. For additional information, you can refer to How to Activate/Deactivate a Course
- Add Class - For additional information on adding a class, you can refer to Adding a Class to a Course
- Open Course
- Enroll Others In This Course - Enroll other employees into the roster.
- Course Roster - View the employees enrolled in the course.
Class Schedule
The class schedule is listed below the basic course information. Towards the left of the class schedule is a checkbox to include inactive classes.
The lists of classes will include:
- Buttons to enroll in a class or enroll someone else in the class (if user has permission)
- Class No. - Clicking the class number link will let you view additional information about the class.
- Start/End Date
- Start/End Time
- Classroom
- Cost
- Seats Remaining
Additional Info
The additional info fields will show some useful information about the course. These fields include:
- Training Providers - Lists outside resources that provide training to employees.
- Catalog Restriction Rules - Lists how the course is restricted based such as a certain department, location, or group.
- Prerequisites - Any courses that are required before the selected course can be started.
- Instructors - The individuals that will be instructing the course.
- Competencies - List of competencies to help search and filter courses.