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Configure Daylight Savings on Time Clock

Excerpt From An Article

This article is an excerpt from a more complete article: Setting up your ZK Time Clock

Accessing the Admin Menu
  1. When you first turn on your Time Clock, you will see a screen similar to below that will be used by your employees to clock in/out.


  2. To access the admin menu, press M button on the keypad. You will see a lock icon and a "Please verify" message.


  3. Press 1 on the keypad for your User ID and press M.


  4. When prompted for the password, press 998899 and press M.


  5. You should see the Main Menu that looks similar to below.


  6. If you do not interact with the device within a pre-determined time, the Time Clock will exit the main menu and return to the initial Clock In screen shown in the first step.
    • You can also extend the Menu Screen Timeout by going to: Personalize > User Interface > Menu Screen Timeout(s) > Select the desired time in seconds.
  1. If you are not viewing the Admin menu, you can access it from the steps in "Accessing the Admin menu" above. Use the arrow keys to select System and press M on the keypad.


  2. Use the arrow keys to highlight Date Time and press M.


  3. Go through the Date Time Settings and set them to the following:


  4. Enable Daylight Save Time if applicable.
  5. Set Daylight Saving Mode to either "By Date/Time" or "By Week/Day."


  6. Go to Daylight Saving Setup and set it to the following:
    • If using By Date/Time


      • Set the start and end date/time to whatever date it should be for the given year.
      • This will need to be updated yearly to coincide with the proper dates.
    • If using By Week/Day


    • Set the following start and end date information. We have listed the common settings below:
      • Start Month: 3
      • Start Week: 2
      • Start Day: Sunday
      • Start Time: 2:00 AM
      • End Month: 11
      • End Week: 1
      • End Day: Sunday
      • End Time: 2:00 AM

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The next article is Adding a New Clock

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