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Onboarding to Core HR Release Notes for May 2022

Arcoro is excited to announce the April release for our customers and partners. This release provides new features and enhancements to existing functionality for Arcoro Onboarding and Core HR. This article and attached document will describe the software updates and provide details to help you get started with these enhancements.

For those customers who have previously purchased the Onboarding and Core HR modules, this enhancement will be available to you. These enhancements will streamline the process of sending new hire employee profiles from Onboarding to Core HR. The process of sending new hire employee profile will be quicker, include more information, and require less duplicate entry.

In this article and attached document, the use of ‘Hiring Manager’ describes the person who will be completing the new hire paperwork in Onboarding. The ‘HR Admin’ describes the person responsible for completing the employee’s profile in Core HR.


Onboarded New Hire Tile

HR Admins will now have an Onboarded New Hires tile located on the dashboard in Core HR. After selecting the Onboarded New Hires tile, the HR Admin will arrive at the Onboarded New Hires page and see a list of new hires from the Onboarding module.

The HR admin can select the hyperlinked employee name and they will be directed to the employees’ profile to complete and save.

Who will appear on the Onboarded New Hire tile?

Incomplete New Hire information will now be available in Core HR for the HR Admin to begin assigning workflows and completing the employee record.

  • Incomplete New Hire refers to a New Hire who has completed the employee portion of the new hire paperwork in Onboarding
  • Incomplete New Hire has not been completed by the Hiring Manager in Onboarding or the HR Admin in Core HR.


Onboarded New Hire Page

The Onboarded New Hires page includes employees who have completed their New Hire paperwork. The page includes:

  • Employee's Name
  • Title
  • Facility
  • HR Admin Complete column
  • Hiring Manager Complete column

The Hiring Manager and HR Admin columns indicate who has completed their portion of the new hire process. If an employee is both HR Admin Complete and Onboarding Manager Complete, they will no longer appear on the Onboarded New Hires page.

Defining HR Admin & Onboarding Manager Complete

  • HR Admin Complete – The employee has all required fields completed and is saved in Core HR. After an employee is HR admin complete, their name will no longer be hyperlinked for easy navigation in Core HR.
  • Onboarding Manager Complete – The Hiring Manger paperwork has been completed for the New Hire, including the I9 Form. All updates and edits to the employee record to make them Onboarding Manager Complete are required to be completed in the Onboarding module.



Documents completed in Onboarding will pass to Core HR. After a new hire has been saved in Core HR and the new hire is Manager Complete in Onboarding, their completed new hire documents will be available in Core HR to be viewed on the employee's profile.

All documents associated with the new hire in the Onboarding filing cabinet will be available in Core HR, except for the Complete Employee File in Onboarding. Some examples of the documents are included below.

  • I9 *
  • Federal W-4
  • State W-4 (If applicable for new hire's Onboarding location)
  • Voluntary Self Identification
  • Direct Deposit
  • Each Individual Policy Acknowledgement
  • Each Individual Custom Form

HR Admins will navigate to Documents in Core HR as they do today. In an employee’s profile, navigate to Employee > Documents.

Note: Documents added to Onboarding after the Hiring Manager has completed the new hire paperwork will not continue to pass to Core HR. Best practice is to add any additional documents to Core HR once the Onboarding paperwork has been completed by the Hiring Manager.

Pay Rates

Payrate will continue to pass from Onboarding to Core HR using the enhancement.

The new process focuses on data priority with Core HR being the number one priority. Once the pay rate record has been created in Core HR it will be considered as the source for pay rate information.

Employee payrates that are entered in the Applicant Tracking and Onboarding module will be used to create the employee’s compensation pay rates record in Core HR. Payrates that are entered into ATS (Applicant Tracking System) will continue to be available in Onboarding and will be added to Core HR.

  • Once the Pay Rate has been set in Core HR by the HR Admin, or when the New Hire is Hiring Manager complete in Onboarding, the Pay Rate will no longer be editable in Onboarding.
  • Payrate information that will be used to create the record in Core HR
    • Pay Rate Type
      • Hourly or Salary
    • Start Date
    • Pay Rate

State Taxes

After a new hire has completed their State W4 form in Onboarding and the HR Admin saves an employee record in Core HR with a valid Hire Date, a state tax record will be created with a start date that is populated from the Employee's Core HR Hire Date. State taxes completed during new hire paperwork in Onboarding will pass and create a state tax record in Core HR. Customers will have the following default Tax settings based on the state’s form:

  • Allowances (often noted as Exemptions)
  • Additional Allowances
  • Filing Status
  • Exempt (the ability to claim exempt)

For additional information about the previous State Tax release: State Tax Release Notes

User Defined Fields

User Defined Fields added to Core HR will be available to add as a Shared Custom Field in Onboarding for either the employee or manager’s completion during new hire paperwork.

User Defined Fields in Core HR remain UDF (User Defined Field) text 1-5 and UDLF (User Defined Lookup Field) (User Defined Lookup Field) 1-15 in Core HR and the maximum number of Shared Custom Fields originating in Core HR remains 7.

Once a User Defined Field has been added to Core HR, it will be available in Onboarding for selection. The ‘Add Shared Custom Field’ is how you will manage which User Defined Fields added in Core HR are presented to the Employee or Manager in new hire paperwork.


Selecting ‘Add Shared Custom Field’ on either the Employee or Manager side will present the user with the list of available User Defined Fields added in Core HR.


When the customer has reached their limit of 7 Shared Custom Fields, they will see the ‘Add Shared Custom Field’ is grayed out and the user is unable to select this option.

There are two reasons why a user would see the ‘Add Shared Custom Field’ grayed out.

  1. No UDF’s have been added to Core HR
  2. A maximum of 7 UDF’s have already been used.


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