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Millennium Sync Knowledge Base with Core HR

This section of the Knowledge base contains troubleshooting and how-to articles related to the Millennium Middleware.

EEOC and EEO Fields


On the EEOC / Additional Info tab under Employee Demographic Information the EEO Occupation field and EEO Class fields seem to be the same. One is configurable and the other is not.


The EEO Class field was added to the system after the EEOC Occupation field. The EEO Class field was designated to be used for payroll integration's and is the field the web service returns, not the EEOC Occupation field.


It is suggested that both fields be used when there is an integration with payroll. Since the EEOC Occupation field is configurable it is recommended that this field house both the EEO Class code and Occupation description to assist administrators in selecting the correct EEO Class value.

Sync Scheduling


When I setup a command line utility to schedule a sync it does not bring all data over.


The middle ware is designed to use a Microsoft Command Line utility (task scheduler) to set up multiple sync schedules.


The command line upload (task scheduler) works at the Enterprise level. It will go through all companies setup (if the enable schedule sync & enable check stubs boxes on the Admin Console are ticked) based on the parameters set for each company. If you do not want a particular company to sync on a schedule you would deselect the Enabled Scheduled Sync box for that company which is used to prevent the accidental synchronization of a company that is not yet ready to be synchronized. You would then need to sync on demand by manually syncing the client.

You need to create multiple schedules depending on what you want automated – Change Only sync x times a day, Full sync x times a week, Pay stubs each pay date.

User Defined Fields


User Defined fields are not syncing.


User Defined fields were not configured in the Admin Console to sync.


For the InfinityHR-Millennium sync program only the first 5 User Defined Lookup fields and the 5 User Defined fields sync.
In the admin console of the sync program the Sync User 1-5 and Sync MiscCheck 1-5 check boxes allow you to turn on/off the synchronization of these fields. You have the ability to configure none, all or some of the fields to sync.


User Defined Lookup fields (1-5) in HR sync to the User Def Checkboxes (1-5) in payroll. These User Defined Lookup fields need to be treated as Yes/No or True/False statements because in payroll they will either be ticked or un-ticked.


User Defined fields (1-5) in HR sync to the User Defined Text (1-5) fields in payroll. The 5th User Defined field actually gets stored under the User Defined Check boxes.



Update Base Autopay


Auto pay hours are coming through from Infinity to payroll. The sync is putting in weekly hours which is interfering with our auto reduce for PTO.


If the “Update Base Autopay” option is enabled on the company in the Admin Console of the middleware, then the “autopay” field in payroll is set to “Salary” if the “RateType” in HR is “Salary” or to blank if the “RateType” in HR is “Hourly”. Then the Hours Worked field In Infinity under Demographic Information, Employee tab syncs to the Default Hours field in Millennium.


If Update Base Autopay is enabled on the company in the Admin Console then in Infinity – all Salary employees should have the hours worked field set to the per pay period hours worked. All hourly employees should have the field set to “0” or left blank. Then as noted above, the Hours Worked field In Infinity on the Employee Information tab syncs to the Default Hours field in Millennium.

Synchronization Error Emails


Synchronization error emails are not being sent.


The email address for the recipient on the Admin Console was either not entered or the email address entered was invalid. Alternatively, the email server listed in the “Email From” field is SMTP but SSH secured or Exchange.


Be sure the Enable Email check box is ticked in the Administration Console for that client. For anyone that should receive the error emails you want to add their email address in the Email To field. You can have multiple email addresses if more than one person needs to receive them. Use a semi colon to separate out email addresses.

Be sure you have configured the Email From field which should be the Email Address from which the email will be sent from.
Enter the Email Server from where the emails will be generated. This needs to be a SMTP server enabled for relay from the machine where the admin console is installed. If SMTP but SSH secured or Exchange, the email notification will fail.


Generating W2's


W2s not generating or uploading successfully. Despite a system message that indicates the generation and upload is complete, per the results page shown in the middleware, zero (0) have completed upload.



When we generate W2s or Paystubs, a job is kicked off in Millennium. If W2s and Paystubs are not completing (i.e. showing '0' records uploaded, check to make sure the job in Millennium has succeeded. If Millennium produces an error or warning, take the corrective action recommended by the error or warning in Millennium. Go to "System > Operations" within Millennium payroll jobs setup to insure settings are enabled for W2 generation and upload.

Uploading W2's

I am unable to upload W2’s to Infinity.

This is likely the cause of a configuration issue either in payroll or on the Admin Console of the middleware.

Please refer to the link below on how to create and upload W2’s. *Note: There must be a W2 Special Tax Form setup in payroll with the code “INFINITY” and layout of 0 (= 4up regular).

Additionally, you first need to calculate the W2’s in Millennium. This is the same process as if you were going to print the W2’s. Then you would select the Generate button on the Admin Console. The sync program provides a filter that will create a single PDF for each employee rather than 1 PDF for all W2’s like with Millennium. Once the creation is completed you would select the Upload button on the Admin Console.

The W2’s then get stored to the employees record in Infinity under Documents.



On the employee portal the EE can also locate them under the Documents section.

Future Dated Direct Deposit Records


I just pushed over my first database that is an actual client versus our test account and it wiped out all of our direct deposits. I used the data from payroll to populate Infinity. Is there something I missed?


The reason the direct deposit records were deleted is because they were all entered in Infinity with a future start date.


By design the middle ware ignores future dated DD records and does not update/add them to Millennium.

In this case, since all records were future dated the web service is not passing any “Active” direct deposit records. The middleware then sees this as no direct deposit records and follows the logic whereby it deletes the records in payroll to be kept in sync with Infinity.

Your options to correct this would be to wait until the actual date arrives and then sync the direct deposit records since they would then be seen as “Active”. In the meantime you could exclude direct deposit records from being passed over in the web service and turn them back on, on the specified date. To do this you would:

  • Navigate to Setup > API Dashboard > Web Service Dashboard > Exclusions Tab > Data Tab
  • Click "Direct Deposit".
  • Click "Save".


If you do not want to wait you would want to re-upload the direct deposit records into Infinity using the current date. To ensure the records match what’s in payroll I would suggest deleting out all direct deposit records in Infinity and then uploading what’s in payroll. To delete ALL direct deposit records in Infinity you would:

  • Navigate to Setup > General > Setup Properties > System Utilities
  • Click "Delete Direct Deposit Data"
  • Click "Execute Utility"


Accrual Balance Sync


With the pushing of accrual balances from Millennium to Infinity, how does Millennium get the accrual transaction data from Infinity to update Millennium?


Client is using Infinity for Employees to request time off but Millennium to process accruals. A transfer of the time off transactions needs to be setup to update Millennium otherwise payroll will not have updated information.


M3 only passes the balance to Infinity as of a processed check date. When passing accrual balances to Infinity, the accrual engine is M3 (for incrementing balances). If time off is taken in Infinity, we assume that information is either keyed into M3 from an Infinity report or imported into M3 from an Infinity file. Thus the balance is decremented by the actual time off taken in Infinity.

Required Fields

Configuring and Testing Required Fields in HRIS

Within Millennium, it is possible to configure fields as required fields for new employee records. These Required fields must be assigned values in order for a new record to be added to Payroll. Additionally, certain fields (drop-down fields) within Payroll can be configured with company-specific values.

In order for the HRIS to successfully add new Employee Records to payroll, the HRIS must be configured to have the same required fields as the Payroll Application. Fields on the Employee, Employee, and Demographic Infoscreen can be configured as required or optional via the Required Fields screen of the HRIS.

Additionally, for drop-down fields that are configured in Payroll, the HRIS must also have the same values configured in order for those fields to sync successfully between the two applications. Drop-down fields in the HRIS can be configured via the Field Value Setup screens within the HRIS.

Testing a New Employee Record

Because fields can be configured on a Company-by-Company basis, it is important to test the syncing of a new Employee record between the HRIS and Payroll applications. The following steps provide the recommended process for doing this:

  • Add a Test Employee manually directly through Payroll to confirm that all required fields are correct and configured with valid values. If a new record cannot be added manually, then stop and address any errors before continuing.
  • Compare the required fields of the new Employee screen in Payroll against the Add New Employee screen in the HRIS to confirm that the HRIS is configured to have the same Required Fields as the Required Fields configured in Payroll. The HRIS may have more Required Fields, but at a minimum must have the same as Payroll.
  • Compare the Required drop-down fields between the HRIS and Payroll Applications to ensure the list of valid values are the same. The Data Mapping help screen should be used to understand any data mappings that may take place between the HRIS and Payroll Application.
  • Add a Test Employee through the HRIS and then compare the record against Payroll to ensure that the record was added and that the values saved to Payroll match the expected results.
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