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Training and Achievement - Training Items - Adding a Training Item

  1. To add a new training item, use the Actions drop-down menu and click Add Training Item.


  2. Enter the necessary information for your training item:
    • This is an Active Training Item - Enabled by default. Allows the training item to be selected by Administrators.
    • This item requires renewal - Enabled by default. Allows the training item to be renewed with a workflow (e.g. annual professional cerfiications).
    • Item - The name of the training item. (Required)
    • Category - The General category of the training item (e.g. Professional Development, Sales Department, First Aid, etc.). (Required)
    • Location - The physical location of the training item. (Optional)
    • Instructor - The instructor for the training item. (Optional)
    • Duration - The length of time required to complete the training item. (Optional)
    • Credits - User-defined amount assigned to the training item. Can be used to incentivize the employee's completion of the training item. Reportable in the Export Utility. (Optional)
    • Description - User-defined description of the training item. (Optional)
    • Notes - User-defined internal notes detailing a training item. (Optional)


  3. When done, click Add Training Item.
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