EZSign allows for PDF documents to be configured with signatures and added to a Workflow. The Workflow can be assigned to an employee/manager, or to multiple employees/managers to complete and sign the document. Administrators can view the signed documents in Employee>Employee>Documents. As an example, an employee can be sent the Employee Handbook Acknowledgement via a workflow. The employee then signs the acknowledgment form through the workflow and the form is saved to their Documents folder.
EZSign requires a service activation that will come with an additional cost. More details below.
- Flat Monthly Service Free - 39
- Per User/Employee Per Month Transaction - 0.20
Activate EZSign
- Open the menu, expand Settings, and go to Workflow Management.
- Click EZSign Activation from the top bar.
- Review the terms of agreement for EZSign. If you accept the terms, enter your full name below and click I Accept the Terms of this Agreement.
Creating EZSign Prefilled Form
- Go to Settings and click Prefilled Forms.
- From the Action drop-down menu, click Add New Mapped Form
- Enable the "EZSign Form" checkbox, enter a name for the Form, and browse your PC for your PDF Form.
- Click Save.
- You will be taken to the Mapped Form Fields page. This page will present what form fields it has identified.
- If the form field can have information exported into it, it can be set to use the information currently existing in your HR system. (e.g. You have a form field for the employee's first name. You can specify the field to pull the first name already entered for the employee in the HR system so the employee does not have to enter it themselves.)
- Before making a form field mappable, double-check if auto-filling information is allowed for the document or if the employee is required to enter the information manually.
- If a form field requires specific formatting, such as a date, you can click Formatting to specify how the information should be formatted.
- Designated signature blocks on the PDF will have to have the signature options selected from the "Export field" which is under the "Demographic" option.
- When done, click Save
- After saving your fields, you can preview what the form would look like if any of the fields were mapped.