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What is EDI and How Can We Help?

EDI is the acronym for Electronic Date Interface. This is the method by which data is delivered to a third-party system on an automated, regular basis.

Most commonly, EDI is used to send:

  • Election data to a benefit carrier
  • COBRA data (terminations and new hires) to a COBRA Administrator
  • Benefit deductions to a payroll provider

If you are interested in EDI, contact your account manager during our normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM Central Time through "Success Center" in Core HR. "Success Center" is a menu currently available to Administrators of Core HR which offers supplemental resources, helps you talk to your primary Arcoro contact(s) such as your account manager, inform you of recent/upcoming events, and more. If you do not have access to "Success Center", please speak with your primary Administrator for assistance.

  1. The "Success Center" menu can be launched by Administrators in Core HR by clicking the a1dfd22c2c8447f696c1bd87ac56c827_blob.png icon towards the bottom-right of the webpage. If you cannot see the icon, consult with your Core HR Administrator for assistance.

    ARC - Success Center - 01.png

  2. Use the "Contact Me" button to email your account manager.

    ARC - Success Center Panel - Account Manager - 01.png

EDI Envision Meeting

The EDI process follows the LEAD process. The first step in the process is a call between you and us that includes both L and E, so there is Learning and Envisioning in the first meeting.

  • L - You learn about the EDI process, including timelines, Roles, and Responsibilities.
  • E - You share your current EDI status and the files to be built and their priorities are discussed and agreed.

The A and D of the process begin after this discussion and the import and audit of Benefit elections.

  • A - Apply stage is where the file is actually created and configured for your specific account structure.
  • D - Deploy is when the file has completed the testing and is placed into Production. A schedule is established so that the file is automatically sent on the agreed frequency.

EDI Process


Key Points

  • Initial Carrier Contact - Obtain Carrier Timeline to confirm when the carrier will assign a resource and begin the testing phase.
    • Q4 can have blackout periods where carriers will not begin any new files.**
  • Carrier Testing - Your assistance in resolving discrepancies during the testing phase can greatly reduce the length of time needed for testing.

EDI Timeline


  • Benefit Files - Up to 10 weeks
  • Payroll Files - Up to 12 weeks
  • COBRA Files - Up to 12 weeks
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