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ZK Hardware Time Clock - Daylight Savings Settings

When utilizing a Hardware Time Clock in a region that practices Daylight Savings, the clock can be configured to recognize daylight savings changes. When the DLST settings are not configured on the time clock, the HCM software will house and drive the time displayed on the clock. 

Steps for Daylight Savings Settings on ZK US10

If you are using the local clock setting to adjust for DST, please confirm the start and end date/time have been entered for the new year:

  1. At the Home Screen press the 'M' key (bottom right corner blue border key) to get into the management menu.
  2. Press the arrow keys until “Date/Time” is highlighted and press the m/return key
  3. Set the “DLST” field to the “ON” value by pressing the left and right arrow keys
  4. Press the 'down arrow' key
  5. Set the “Date Mode” field to “Mode1” value by pressing the 'left and right arrow' keys
  6. Press the 'down arrow' key
  7. Set the “Start” field to the appropriate date and time values for when DLST should start
    • Press the numbers on the keypad using the 'left and right arrow' keys
    • Select the start time that is one hour back from today's current DLST rules
  8. Press the 'down arrow' key
  9. Set the “End” field to the appropriate date and time values for when DLST should end by pressing the numbers on the keypad and the 'left and right arrow' keys.
  10. Press the 'down arrow' key until “OK” is highlighted
  11. Press the 'M key' to save
  12. You will then see a dialog box saying, “Changes Saved Successfully!”
  13. Press the 'M key'

Steps for Daylight Savings Settings on ZK US15

  1. At the Home Screen press the M key (bottom right corner blue border key) to get into the management menu.
  2. Enter 1 for Admin, and the 998899 for password.
  3. Press the arrow keys until “System” is highlighted
  4. Press the M key
  5. Press the arrow keys until “Date/Time” is highlighted
  6. Press the M key
  7. Press the down arrow key until “Daylight Saving Time” is highlighted
  8. Set the “DLST” field to “ON” value by pressing the M key
  9. Press the down arrow key until “Daylight Saving Mode” is highlighted
  10. Set the “Daylight Saving Mode” to “By date/time” or “By week/day”
  11. Press the ESC key
  12. Press the down arrow key until “Daylight Saving Setup” is highlighted
  13. Press the M key
  14. Set the “Start” fields to the appropriate date, week, day, and time values for when DLST should start by pressing the M key and then the arrow keys and the M key. The start is when the time will move one hour forward. Press the down arrow key until “OK” is highlighted to save, when necessary.
  15. Press the down arrow key
  16. Set the “End” fields to the appropriate date, week, day, and time values for when DLST should end by pressing the M key and then the arrow keys and the M key.  Press the down arrow key until “OK” is highlighted to save, when necessary.
  17. You will then see a dialog saying, “Changes Saved Successfully!”
  18. Press the M key

Additional Notes

  • If the DLST settings are configured, the values must be updated on the Time Clock each year.
  • If the clock is likely to lose connectivity, it is recommended that the HCM software houses the time zone, rather than having DLST configured on the hardware time clock.  
  • In some cases, it is necessary to forgo the DLST setting on the hardware and instead adjust the time zone setting from our cloud-based software. If you are utilizing this method:

    • Navigate to Settings > Time and Labor Mgmt > Time and Attendance > Settings > Time Clock Config > ZK US10C Time Clocks
    • Click on the serial number of your time clock
    • Update the time zone setting to account for the one-hour adjustment
    • Click “Save”
    • Power the clock off then back on to load the new time setting.
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