Having multiple managers in Talent Management allows you to have multiple people work together to accomplish various administrative tasks and have backups in the event the primary admin is not available.
If you are also using our Core module, it is best to set up the user and username in Core first as Core is the "source of truth" for other modules and allows your employees to navigate between Arcoro modules with a single username.
- Click Account Admin
- You should see the People page initially.
- Click New Item....
- Fill in the required fields for the new entry:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Username
- Hire Date
- Employee ID
- Job Code
- Manager
- Location
- Click Save when finished.
- Click Edit for the newly added employee to view their profile.
- The Details tab should be the initial tab you see when viewing the employee profile. Click the Roles tab.
- Select the roles for the administrator. If they need all available permissions, click Select All to select all available roles.
- For more information about built-in roles, refer to the following dedicated article.
- For more information about custom roles, refer to the following dedicated article.
- Save your changes.