There are a few prerequisites before managing the ACA settings:
- Company Name and EINS
- Employee Status History
- Medical Benefits and Elections (Required to track months of coverage an employee was enrolled in a medical plan as part of IRS 6055/6056 requirements)
- ACA Settings
- Hours of Service
- Employees loaded in the system with assigned status
- Time data
- If using Core HR for time and attendance, no further action is required
- If using an outside platform for time and attendance, time data can be automated for import through the HRIS system's custom import tool
- Medical benefit (Required to track months of coverage an employee was enrolled in a medical plan as part of IRS 6055/6056 requirements)
Company Name and EINS
Company Name and EIN - Confirm that the Business name(s) and corresponding EIN(s) are configured in InfinityHR and match with the IRS Database entry.
- From the menu: expand
- Hover over the "General" tab and click
- If the employer already exists, click the company name to view additional information.
- Review the Employer Name and EIN (Federal Tax ID) and confirm that they are correct.
- If the employer has not been entered, use the Actions drop-down menu, and click
- Enter the appropriate employer information.
- The IRS will only accept transmittals that use the business name and corresponding EIN they have on record.
- "Doing Business As" (DBA) will be rejected.
- A minimum of one Employer must be configured on the Employers page.
- More Employers can be added if multiple legal entities are associated with the organization.
Employee Status History
Employee status history documents status changes specific to an employee over the course of the employee life cycle, including changes to employee status, ACA status, and benefit status. The ACA module refers to the employee status history to generate IRS form 1095-C.
Employee Status History Report
- From the menu: expand Reports, expand Employees, and click
- Click the filter icon to include all status changes.
- Change the start date to 1/1/1900 and the end date to today's date.
- Click .
- Use the report labeled "Employee Status History" by clicking the Excel icon to save an Excel file to your computer.
- Open the save Excel file. The Excel file will contain data such as:
- Employee Full Name
- Employee Status
- Employee ACA Status
- Change Date
- Start Date
- End Date
- Employer Name
- Click the header for Column B for the employee's full name.
- While viewing the Home tab in Excel, go to Conditional Formatting, go to Highlight Cell Rules, then click
- Select the desired option for formatting the duplicate values.
- Review the highlighted cells and for any of the following on the row:
- Employee Status Change (Full-time to Part-time or vice-versa)
- Benefit Status Change (Active to Inactive or vice-versa)
- ACA Status Change (Full-time to Part-time to Seasonal to Variable)
- Confirm that each highlighted cell represents a unique status change/date combination. All duplicates will need to be deleted on the employee's ACA profile.
- Note total lines of data included in the report.
Employee Quick Excel Report
- Expand Data, expand Exports, and click
- Hover over "Quick Excel Exports" and click
- Count the number of employees in the Excel spreadsheet (Reference Column A: SSN)
Compare Employee Count
- Compare the total number of employees listed in the Employee Status History report with the total number of employees listed in the Employee Quick Excel report.
- The Employee Status History report should always have more lines of data than the Employee Quick Excel report (assuming that at least one employee has had a status change).
- If not, then refer to the following section, "Enter Missing Data."
Enter Missing Data
Manually Enter Employee Status History Changes
- From the menu: expand Employee, expand Benefits, and click
- Click the
- Enter the appropriate change dates, employee status, ACA Employee Status, and Benefit Status as of that date.
- Click .
Import Multiple Status Changes using Employee Status History Import Template
- Create an Excel document based on the layout detailed in the following article: Employee Status History.
- From the menu: expand Data, expand Imports, and click
- From the "Import Type" drop-down menu, select "Employee Status History."
- Click "Browse" to upload the Excel document created from Step 1.
- Enter the worksheet name from the Excel document.
- Click .
Confirm Data Has Been Successfully Added
Once all the data has been entered/imported, you can use any of the following options below to confirm the data has been successfully added.
Repeat Steps 1-3
- Employee Status History Report
- Employee Quick Excel Report
- Compare Employee Count
Review Employees' ACA Profiles
- From the menu: expand Employee, expand Benefits, and click
- Click the
- Review information.
Medical Benefits
Ensure medical plans are configured correctly (premiums, contributions, Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC), Minimum Value (MV), and self-insured plans. If you are unsure what Minimum Essential Coverage, Minimum Value, or self-insured plans are, please refer to the glossary at the end of the article.
The audit is a two-part process. A one-click report will be utilized to audit plan names, premiums, and contributions. Specific system configuration screens will be used to audit MEC, MV, and self-insured settings.
Open Benefit Premium / Rate Configuration – Annual** Report
- From the menu: expand Settings and click
- Click the benefit package associated with the current tax year.
- Click the
- Click the Excel icon for the "Benefit Premium / Rate Configuration - Annual**" report.
- Confirm medical plan premiums and contributions.
Confirm MEC, MV, and Self-Insured Settings
- From the menu: expand Settings and click
- Click the benefit package associated with the current tax year.
- Click the
- Click on the individual medical plans.
- From the "Properties" tab, scroll down to the section labeled "Select from the Additional Options below if applicable"
- If the medical plan is self-insured, check the box for "This plan is Self Insured"; otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
- If the plan meets MEC, check the box for "This plan meets Minimum essential coverage (MEC) as defined by the ACA"; otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
- If the plan meets MV, check the box for "This plan meets Minimum Value as defined by the ACA"; otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
Medical Benefit Elections
To ensure all benefit eligible employees have recorded medical elections (including waive, if applicable) with accurate dates of coverage.
All benefit eligible employees should have medical benefit elections recorded in InfinityHR. For self-insured medical plans, dependent enrollment (including dependent’s SSN and date of birth) also must be recorded.
Open Export Benefit Census Report
This report can be used to confirm employee medical elections and effective dates of coverage
- From the menu: expand Data, expand Exports, and click
- Hover over "Quick Excel Exports" and click
- Filter the data in the "Package Name" column (Column E) and in the "Benefit Name" column (Column F) to display the medical benefits for the correct year.
- Confirm the effects dates of the "Coverage" column (Column J) for each employee.
- If you find any missing and/or incorrect data for an employee, you can correct this in the affected employee's benefits screen.
- From the menu by expanding Employee, expanding Benefits, and click .
ACA Settings
To confirm the configured measurement periods are accurately tracking employees’ hours of service.
The Measurement Period is the period during which you track employees’ hours of service. The hours worked during this period will determine whether an employee is considered “full-time” qualified during the subsequent stability period. Ongoing employees are tracked using a standard measurement period and new hires are tracked using an initial measurement period.
Each configured measurement period being used to track employees’ hours of service must be ‘active’.
Confirm Measurement Period is Properly Configured
- From the menu; expand Settings and click
- Click
- While the "Settings" tab is selected, click the measurement period name under the "Measurement Setting" column.
- Ensure all required fields are correct.
- Ensure the "Active" checkbox if checked.
- If needed, create a new measurement period from "Settings" tab by using the Actions drop-down menu and clicking
Confirm Measurement Period for Benefit Eligible Employees Is Working Per Configuration
- From the menu: expand Employee, expand Benefits and click
- While viewing the Measurement Periods tab, confirm that the measurement period calculation for the most recent tax year.
- If multiple measurement periods exist, test each measurement period by isolating an employee for each eligibility rule used.
Generate Measurement Period for All Benefit Eligible Employees
- From the menu: expand Settings and click
- Click
- Enter the Measurement Period Effective date.
- Click the radial button for "Generate Measurement Periods."
- Select the measurement period to generate.
- Click .
Hours of Service
Hours worked of all non full-time employees must be tracked in InfinityHR to determine if medical benefits should be offered. An employee is considered fulltime from an ACA perspective if he works at least 30 hours in a week or 130 hours per month
Confirm Employee Hours
Confirm hours worked for recorded for all part-time, variable, and seasonal employees.
- From the menu: expand Employee, expand Time and Labor Mgmt, then click
- From the menu expand Settings, expand Time and Labor Mgmt, then click
- Click
Import Time Records for Employe's Missing Recorded Hours
Setup Project Code
- From the menu: expand Settings, expand Time and Labor Mgmt, then click
- Click
- Click the
- Enter a name for the project into the "Project Category" field, then click Save.
Create a Project
- While viewing the "Project Management" tab, click the
- From the Actions drop-down menu, click
- Enter a project code and name as required.
- Please Note: Project code will be used on the TImesheet Date Import.
Import Timesheet Data
- From the menu: expand Data, expand Imports, and click
- From the "Import Type" drop-down menu, select
- For information how to format the timesheet, click Import Layout.
- Click
- Click .
- Repeat the "Confirm Employee Hours" step.