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Affordable Care Act - Override 1095 Data

  1. To adjust 1095s using Excel, ensure that you download the Raw Data file. This will allow you to import your saved changes. 


  2. When importing an updated 1095-C file, you will enter the following steps as if you are generating the file from scratch prior to uploading the file.
    1. Enter the reporting year.
    2. Enter the contact name and phone number.
    3. Select the Employer
    4. Select the Employee Group
    5. Select the appropriate Offer Method
    6. Select the applicable options
  3. To see the option to load an updated date filed, click the checkbox for "Load Data from File" found under the "Please select from all that apply to this transmission" section.
    • Enabling this may take you to the "View Completed Forms" tab. Return to the "Generate Forms" tab if this occurs.


  4. To import the new file, click Browse, select the appropriate data file, and enter the "Worksheet Name" that the data resides on.


  5. Click Generate.
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