Module Navigation

Search Applicants in Applicant Tracking for Core HR

The 'Search Feature' of Applicant Tracking allows you to track down applicants and display the relevant applicant profiles by specifying the appropriate search criteria.

Expand for Navigation Steps to Search Applicants
  • Expand Settings and click Applicant Tracking from the menu.

    CHR - Menu - Settings - Application Tracking - 00.png

  • Click Search Applicants from the top menu bar.

    Applicant Tracking - Menu Bar - Search Applicants - 00.png

Searching for Applicants


  • Use the optional search fields to find an applicant or complete a wildcard search on an applicant's name by using the * character. 
  • Leaving all fields and options blank will return all applicants. 
  • Once the desired options have been selected, click Search Applicants to begin the search.

Search Results

The Search Results tab will display candidates that meet the search requirements. You can click the 'Search' tab to perform a new search.


The 'Search Results' tab will provide the following columns:

The Actions drop-down menu will display the following options:

CHR - Applicant Tracking - Search Applicants - Results - Actions - 00.png

  • Print Selected Applicants
  • Delete Applicant
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