Module Navigation

General Settings for Performance Management - Settings

The Settings tab can be found in General Settings for Performance Management.

General Settings can be found from the menu by expanding Settings, then expanding Performance Mgmt, and clicking General Settings:


This section determines the basic settings of how the Performance Management & Reviews modules will be used:

  • Enable/Turn On the Performance Management Center on the Employee Portal: Use the checkbox to enable the Performance Management Center.  You may want to wait until some of your configurations is done before making the module available to employees.
  • Eligibility Rule: If you want only certain employees to have the Performance Management Center available on their Employee Homepage, use the Eligibility rule dropdown to select the appropriate rule to apply to this module.  If necessary, Eligibility Rules can be created by opening the menu, expanding Setup, clicking Setup Properties then clicking on  Eligibility Rules from the top menu.
  • Enable Downstream Managers: Allows managers to select managers from a list consisting of managers beneath them in Performance Management.
  • Performance Management Center - Custom Header Text: Enter the text you would like employees to read when viewing the Performance Management center from their Employee Portal Homepage.
  • Require Electronic Signing after all Reviews for an Employee are completed
  • Electronic Signature Acknowledgement Text: Enter the text you would like employees to read before signing their review electronically.


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