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Eligibility Rules Overview for Core HR

Eligibility Rules can be implemented against Benefit Packages, Benefits, Benefit Plans, Document Categories, Event Steps, Time Off Accrual Rules, etc. within the system to help define which employees should be eligible for a feature/function/setting.

We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

Table of Contents

Navigating to Eligibility Rules
  • From the menu, expand Setup and click Setup Properties.


  • Click Eligibility Rules from the top menu bar.



The "Eligibility Rules" menu will provide the following columns:

  • Eligibility Rule - The name of the eligibility rule.
  • Quick View - Hovering over the information-button-1_gray_15x15.png icon will show a window that lists the eligibility rule name, the eligibility rule description, and the rules of the eligibility rule. 


  • Description
  • References - The number indicates how many times the eligibility rule is referenced in your system. Clicking the number will open a window and show where the eligibility rule is referenced.


The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:


  • Create Eligibility Rule Record
  • Delete Selected Record(s)

Creating An Eligibility Rule Record

Use the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Eligibility Rule Record, then proceed through the steps.


Step 1 - Enter Rule Name

Enter a name for your Eligibility Rule as required, a description if desired, then click Save & Continue.

  • When assigning an eligibility rule throughout the system the HR Admin will do so by name, it is always best to make the name descriptive/clear who would pass the rule. 
  • The description is best used to explain the purpose or intent of the eligibility rule so your colleagues can be aware of how it should be utilized. 


Step 2 - Enter Rule Details

Enter the details that will define which employees should be part of the eligibility rule.


  1. Select Field - This value is what the system will be validating for the rule such as Employee Status, Age, Years of Service, etc.
    • You can type into the field so you can jump to that portion of the list to find the desired field faster.
  2. Select Qualifier - The qualifier connects the field to the value during validation. Available Qualifiers are: 
    • equal to
    • not equal to
    • less than
    • greater than
    • less than or equal to
    • greater than or equal to
    • contains
    • does not contain
    • is one of
    • is not one of
    • is one of (Lookup) - Separate multiple values with a comma. 
    • is not one of (Lookup) - Separate multiple values with a comma.
  3. Enter Value - When validating, the system will validate that the field matches the qualifier to the value. The value must match exactly what is in the system.
    • Example of Values that will validate 
      • Employee Status is equal to Full Time 
      • Age is equal to 56
      • State is equal to Arizona 
    • Example of Values that will not validate 
      • Employee Status is equal to FullTime
      • Age is equal to two
      • State is equal to AZ
  4. Click Save Rule Detail
  5. Repeat as needed. The conjunction field will appear after adding 1 rule detail where you can specify "AND" or "OR" when validating the rule details.

Step 3 - Validate Rule

The final tab allows you to validate a rule and ensure the expected employees pass after building or editing an eligibility rule. 


  1. Click Validate to validate the eligibility rule and see what employees would pass/fail.
  2. Wait for the rule to process. The time this can take will vary based on the number of rule details to validate and the number of employees in the system 
  3. Once validated, a table will display below with the status of each employee, passed or failed.

Editing/Duplicating an Eligibility Rule

  1. Click the name of the eligibility rule.


  2. If you are duplicating the rule, click Duplicate Rule. The rule will be duplicated and the eligibility rule name will be appended with "- Copy". 


  3. Go through steps 1 and/or 2 to edit the eligibility rule. For more information on either step, refer to Step 1 - Enter Rule Name or Step 2 - Enter Rule Details.
  4. After making your edits, validate the eligibility rule in step 3. For more information on step 3, refer to Step 3 - Validate Rule.

Deleting an Eligibility Rule

If an Eligibility Rule is referenced one or more times, it cannot be deleted until the Eligibility Rule is removed from the referenced areas.

Checking Eligibility Rule References
  • To review where the eligibility rule is referenced, click the number from the Eligibility Rule list.


  • A window will open to show where the eligibility rule is referenced. Go to the appropriate pages and update what eligibility rule is used.


  1. Use the checkbox on the right-hand side of the eligibility rule. If the eligibility rule is referenced anywhere in the system, the checkbox will be unclickable.


  2. Use the Actions drop-down menu and click Delete Selected Records.


  3. Confirm the deletion of the holiday(s).


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