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Making Benefit/Mid-Year Changes for an Employee in Core HR

From the Employee's Benefits page, you can make changes to an employee's existing benefits and elections such as to the coverage level or effective dates. This can be due to qualifying life events, changes in cost/coverage, and more. 

Navigating to Benefits for an Employee
  • From the menu, expand Employee, expand Benefits, and click Benefits.


  • If already viewing an employee profile, you can hover over "Benefits" to show the available pages. Click Benefits.


  1. From the Benefits screen, click on the date range hyperlink to begin making changes to the enrollment.


  2. For "Step 1 - Select Coverage", select the new coverage level and any dependent changes, if any, with the provided radial buttons/checkboxes.

    CHR - Employee - Benefits - Step 1 - 01.png

  3. For "Step 2 - Set Dates", you can perform a variety of changes such as:
    1. Effective Dates of Coverage - Perform any desired changes to coverage effective and end dates. This can be used to make a correction to a benefit that has the same effective dates and the benefit plan year. If this is a mid-year change, enable "This is a mid-year change" and specify the change date.

      CHR - Employee - Benefits - Step 2 - 04.png

    2. Reason for change - Specify the reason for the mid-year change by clicking the "Selected" radial button and selecting the qualifying event from the drop-down menu. Enter the date that the qualifying event occurred in the "Event Date" field. This can be important for some third-party systems to properly log qualifying events.

      CHR - Employee - Benefits - Step 2 - 02.png

    3. Override costs - If enabled, allows you to override the employee's current Benefit Coverage Amount, Benefit Cost, or both, to be different than what the standard configuration is in the system.
      • Fill in the "Annual Premium Amount" and the "Annual Employer Contribution" fields.
      • The "Annual Employee Cost" will auto-populate based on the 2 prior fields. You cannot manually adjust the Annual Employee Cost. In order to make adjustments, you will need to adjust either the "Annual Premium Amount" or the "Annual Employer Cost".
      • Fill in the "Annual PreTax Deduction" and " Annual PostTax Deduction" fields. Both fields need an amount, even if that amount is 0.
      • Fill in the "Annual Coverage Amount". This field needs an amount, even if that amount is 0.
      CHR - Employee - Benefits - Step 2 - 05.png
  4. Review and confirm your changes in "Step 3 - Confirm". This step will list what will occur after confirming the benefit change.

    CHR - Employee - Benefits - Step 3 - 03.png

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