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Generate Forms for Affordable Care Act

Forms Tab

The Forms section is where you will generate and view 1095s.  In this section, you will also be able to upload and view important documents relating to the ACA filing.

ProTip: If the filing due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday, the report becomes due the next business day.

Generate Forms Tab

The Generate Forms tool allows the user to generate the four primary forms (1094-C, 1095-C, 1094-B, and 1095-B)

Note: ACA Service Activation is required to use this feature.

To generate a form, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the reporting year of the forms you will be generating (this will auto-fill to the current tax year)
  2. Enter a contact name and phone number for the forms
    • This information will be reported on the 1094-C form and should be the contact name and number of the individual at your organization that the IRS would reach out to if they had questions regarding your transmittal.
  3. Select the employer you wish to generate forms for
    • If you are part of an Aggregated group (AALE), meaning you have multiple subsidiaries, you will need to generate forms individually for each FEIN
  4. Select an offer method and any other additional options that may apply then click the "Generate" button

Once generated, the report will be placed in a queue displaying under the View Completed Forms tab as “Pending”. The pending process will take three-five hours to complete the forms.

To bypass the pending period, you can select the report line marked pending, and click “Process Form Now”. This process will reduce the generation time to fifteen-twenty minutes by generating the PDFs locally from your computer.

Once the process completes, the status of the report will change to "Completed", so you can view the report.

Note: The queue runs every three hours to pick up new forms to be processed

By description, 1094-B and 1095-B forms are relevant for self-insured companies that are not deemed an Applicable Large Employer (under 50 FTEs). 1094-B contains the aggregate data from the 1094-C sent to employees.

View Completed Forms Tab

This section will house all your previously generated ACA forms and will allow you to view, share and email individual forms to your employees. 

Here are the main functions of this section:

View 1095 Forms

To view your 1095 forms, simply navigate to the View Completed Forms page (Settings\Affordable Care Act\Forms\View Completed Forms) and click on the PDF of the type of form you would like to view.

ProTip: it is recommended that employers review forms prior to submitting to the IRS.

Share 1095 Forms on Employee Portal

In many cases, you may want to share 1095-Cs electronically with your employees.  This function will allow you to easily do so by mapping individual 1095-Cs to your employee’s personal online portal.

To share 1095-Cs with your employees, following these easy steps:

  1. Click the checkbox for the set of forms you would like to share
  2. Click the “Show/Hide on Employee Portal” button
  3. Confirm changes have been saved

 To confirm that 1095 have posted to your employee’s online portal, identify an employee that has a form and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Employee > Employee > Demographic Info
  2. Search for employee (in the quick search field) that has a 1095
  3. Go to Employee > Employee Homepage > View Homepage
  4. Look under Quick Links to find the link titled Form 1095

Note: this may appear different depending on the portal theme

Email Notification to Employees

This tool will allow you to notify your employees that their 1095 forms are now available on the employee portal. To kick off these emails, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the checkbox for the set of forms you would like to share
  2. Click the Email Selected Forms button
  3. Verify emails have been sent by confirming the email delivery notice

The email sent will be a notification that they can now log in to their portal to view their 1095-C.  Here is an example of the email sent:


Note: 1095(s) will not be directly sent to employees for their security, due to sensitive content.

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