Module Navigation

Understanding Cost Codes & Cost Code Details of ExakTime

Cost code details allow you to add additional information such as Spanish and French translations for cost codes and set the category.

Expand for Navigation to Cost Codes
  • Go to Manage and click on Cost Codes.


Cost Code List

The Cost Code list will provide a list of all of your cost codes within your ExakTime system. You can also search for and add cost codes and filter the list to show active, inactive, or all cost codes. 

ETC - Cost Codes - 00.png

The page can provide the following columns by default:

  • Time Card - Pencil Icon - 00.png - Clicking this icon will allow you to view and/or edit an cost codes details.
  • Active - If the cost code is active or not in ExakTime. Can be toggled from the cost code list.
  • ID
  • Name
  • Category
  • Comments - The comments associated with the cost code details.
  • Color - The color of the cost code. Generally indicates the keytab color.

The column manager button allows you to add, remove, or move columns and group up cost codes.

Column Manager - 00.png

Cost Code Details

Click the Pencil icon to the left of an existing cost code or click Add Cost Code to create a new one.


As there are multiple tabs for cost codesdetails, we have broken them down for easier reading.


General Tab


  • Active - If the checkbox is marked, the cost code is active and available for use in ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile.
  • Description - A mandatory field that will be seen by users on ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile.
  • ID - An optional field that can be seen by users on ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile.

Cost Code Color


The cost code color is primarily used for easy identification with the expected cost code of a keytab. For example, the 'Travel' cost code color will be yellow to match the yellow keytab offered. 

Description Translations


There are language options for French or Spanish speakers so when they view cost codes within ExakTime Mobile when Clocking In, they will see the French or Spanish translation instead. If there is no translation, it will default to the original cost code description.

You can adjust the translation manually or you can use auto-translate.

 Double-Check Translations

When using auto-translate, keep in mind that the translation could be literal and may require manual adjustment. It can be best to have the translations reviewed.



The category is used to help organize Cost Codes within ExakTime Connect for listing and reporting purposes.

Field Notes Tab


Field notes will show you any field notes created with the cost code as the subject.

Custom Fields Tab


Custom fields allow you to associate extra information with a cost code. These custom fields are used primarily in the cost code list and the Time Card Details. By default, there are no custom fields associated with cost codes.

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