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Pay Schedule Configuration Overview

Pay Schedules are used within the system to track the dates for which Employees will be paid. These dates are important for the following reasons:

  • To determine deductions that are pro-rated across remaining pay periods for New Hires or when changes are made to existing coverages
  • To determine when Payroll Deduction information should be exported from the system
  • To determine what Pay Schedule each employee should follow

By default, one Master Pay Schedule must exist for your organization. If more than one Master Pay Schedule is defined, then a Pay Schedule field will appear on the Employee Demographic screen allowing for the designation of a Pay Schedule for each employee.

Navigating to Pay Schedule Configuration

  • From the menu, expand Setup and click Setup Properties.


  • Hover over Pay Schedule Configuration to show the menu.

    CHR - Setup Properties - Pay Schedules Menu - 01.png

Pay Schedule Configuration

The Pay Schedule Configuration menu allows you to set up your:

  • Pay Schedules - Pay Schedules are used within the system to track the dates for which Employees will be paid. These dates are used to determine:
    • Deductions that are pro-rated across remaining pay periods for New Hires or when changes are made to existing coverages.
    • When Payroll Deduction information should be exported from the system.
    • What Pay Schedule each employee should follow
  • Pay Schedules Override - Provides the ability to override deduction information for Employee Groups by assigning a deduction multiplier to a specific pay date.
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