Company Name and EIN - Confirm that the Business name(s) and corresponding EIN(s) are configured in InfinityHR and match with the IRS Database entry.
- From the menu, expand and go to .
- Hover over the "General" tab and click .
- If the employer already exists, click the company name to view additional information.
- Review the Employer Name and EIN (Federal Tax ID) and confirm that they are correct.
- If the employer has not been entered, use the Actions drop-down menu, and click .
- Enter the appropriate employer information.
- The IRS will only accept transmittals that use the business name and corresponding EIN they have on record.
- "Doing Business As" (DBA) will be rejected.
- A minimum of one Employer must be configured on the Employers page.
- More Employers can be added if multiple legal entities are associated with the organization.