The Employee Data Tab includes the following two sub-tabs:
- Expand 'Settings' and click Payroll from the menu.
- Click Utilities from the menu bar.
- Click the Audit tab.
- Click Load Audit Info.
- Click Employee Data.
Record Comparison Tab
The Record Comparison Tab displays record count totals by Employer Code and Employee Status between the Payroll and Core HR. The Difference column should equal zero in order to ensure that records are fully in sync between the two applications. The Discrepancies Tab can be used to identify any differences in specific records between the Payroll and Core HR.
Record Discrepancies Tab
The Record Discrepancies Tab displays the specific records that are different between the Payroll and Core HR. This tab will include the following discrepancies:
- Records that exist in Payroll but not in Core HR.
- Records that are mapped to the same Employer Code and Employee ID but have a different Employee Status
The Load Selected Employer Mappings from the Payroll button will load data from the Payroll Application into Core HR in order to sync up data for the selected records. This should be used with caution and only when it is certain that the Payroll data reflects the correct data.
Note: It is important that Employee Data be fully in sync between the Payroll and HR Applications before other data sets are reviewed due to the fact that all other data is associated with the Employee Records.
IMPORTANT DATA NOTE: The data displayed on the Comparison or Discrepancy Tabs is valid only as of the last date and time that the data was refreshed from Payroll. It is not a real-time comparison of data. In order to compare Core HR data to the most recent Payroll data, the appropriate data set should be refreshed from the Data Summary Tab.