Module Navigation

Audit Data - General Alerts for Payroll in Core HR

The "General Alerts" tab displays a number of alerts that are produced when comparing data in the payroll snapshot against data from Core HR. These alerts may be informational and may not always require action to correct the alert(s).

Expand for Navigation Steps to Audit Data
  1. Expand 'Settings' and click Payroll from the menu.

    CHR - Settings - Menu - Payroll - 00.png

  2. Click Utilities from the menu bar.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Menu Bar - Utilities - 00.png

  3. Click the Audit tab.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilties - Tabs - Audit - 00.png

  4. Click Load Audit Info.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilties - Audit - 03.png

  5. Click General Alerts.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilities - Audit - Tabs - Gen Alerts - 00.png

CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilties - Audit - General Alerts - 00.png

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