The "Time and Labor Management" feature of Core HR allows your organization to track your employees time for payroll and other features of Core HR. "Time Off Tracking" is one of the features that can work with "Time and Labor Management" to calculate your employees' time off balance based on their timesheets automatically. The steps below will help you:
- Set up Time and Labor Management
- Enable Timesheets for Employees
- Set up Paid Time Off Accruals based on Employee Timesheets
While the steps below may not cover every aspect of "Time and Labor Management" and how to customize it for your organization, they can serve as a starting point. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to request support with the link from the top of the webpage.
Setting Up Time and Labor Management
Enable "Time and Labor Management"
- Expand Settings, expand Time & Labor Mgmt, and click Time and Attendance from the menu.
- Click Settings from the menu bar.
- Click the Service Activation Tab.
- Review the terms of service and activate it as desired with the signature field towards the bottom. If you have any questions regarding the activation of the feature, contact your account manager for more information.
Set Time Sheet Start Date
After activating the service, you will need to specify the start date for your time sheets.
- Click the General Settings tab.
- Specify the start date for your time sheet. The beginning of the calendar year generally works best.
- Set the default entry type to "Timesheet".
- Save your changes.
Set Up Pay Rates
After setting up the start date for time sheets and the default entry type, you will need to set up the regular and overtime pay rates.
- Click the Pay Rates tab.
- Use the Action drop-down menu and click Create Pay Rate.
- Create a regular rate and set the pay rate calculation to "Base Hourly Rate".
- Click Save Pay Rate when finished.
- Create a new pay rate for overtime. Set the pay rate calculation to "Base Hourly Rate multiplied by Factor" and enter "1.5" into the "Pay Rate Factor" field.
- Click Save Pay Rate when finished.
Assign Pay Rates to Time Groups
With the pay rates created, you will need to assign them to the appropriate time groups.
- Click the Time Groups tab.
- Use the Action drop-down menu and click Create Time Group.
- While setting up the time group, specify the Regular and Overtime pay rates we created earlier.
- Click Save when finished.
Set Up Entry Assignments
Entry assignments allow you to specify how an employee tracks their time in Core HR. New employees added to Core HR will be set to the "Default Entry Type" specified earlier. Your existing employees must be set up with the appropriate entry type.
- Click the Entry Assignments tab.
- Use the drop-down menu for "Managers" and click -- All Managers --.
- Set the entry type for the first employee to "Timesheet" and click the red down arrow. This will set all employees below to the same entry type.
- Click Save when finished.
Setting Up Time Off Tracking & Accrual Rules
After setting up your employees to be able to track their time via timesheets, you can now set up the time off tracking rules so they can accrue their time off balance based on their hours worked.
Setting Up Time Off Tracking
- Expand Settings, expand Time & Labor Mgmt, and click Time Off Tracking from the menu.
- Click Settings.
- Click the Time Off Types tab.
- Name the time off type (i.e. PTO), choose the eligibility rule that you want to be able to see this type of paid time off, and enable various options for your organization.
- Unchecking "Employees cannot submit time off requests if balance is negative" is commonly done to prevent employees from requesting time off than their balance would allow.
- Click Save Type when finished.
Creating The Accrual Rule
- Go back to the Time Off Tracking menu.
- Use the Action drop-down menu and click Create Rule.
- Set up the Accrual rule as desired. We recommend the following settings to ensure the best chance of success with the Core HR and ExakTime integration, but this may differ depending on your organization's needs.
- Name - Can be whatever you want.
- Eligibility Rule - Specify which employees would qualify for this accrual rule.
- Time Off Type - Specify the time off to be accrued.
- Accrual Frequency - Specify the accrual frequency to be "Accrue on Pay Day using Timesheet Hours"
- Max Carry Forward Amount - Specify the max carry forward amount every year.
- Accrual Waiting Period - Enter the number of days before employee can begin to accrue time off based on their hire date.
- Max Hours Worked - Specify the max amount of hours that are eligiblie for the accrual each period.
- Click Save when finished.
- Click the Accrual Details tab.
- Use the Action drop-down menu and click Add Detail Record. You may need to do this multiple times to accommodate accrual amounts based on seniority (for example, 0-5 years earns 1 hour per 30 worked, 6-10 years earns 1.3 hours per 30 worked).
- Enter the month range for the accrual, the units earned per hour, and the time off balance cap.
- Core HR currently calculates accruals per hour. If your organization's accrual policy indicates that an employee earns 1 hour for every 30 hours worked, you must first calculate what that is per hour and enter it into the given field.
- Click Save when finished.