360 Evaluations can be used in a multitude of ways:
- An employee can request from their Manager or the Admin, to have a 360 sent out to some of their co-workers/peers for additional feedback outside of what they may receive from their manager.
- A Manager could send out a 360 to direct reports co-workers/peers to get additional feedback to use in tandem with the employee's performance review.
- Managers can send it out to their direct reports to get anonymous feedback from them on how well they are performing.
- Customers can also be invited to participate in a 360 review. The Admin can add the client in as a user, then select to invite them to participate in the 360, they will receive an email with their username and a link to set up their password.
Rating Scale
The following rating scale is applied to all 360 evaluations:
- FB Far Below Expectations - Performance on this competency in relation to the individual's role is far below expectations. Immediate steps should be taken to address gaps in performance.
- MM Meets Minimum - Performance on this competency meets minimum performance requirements, but considerable improvement is needed.
- D Developing - Has adequate competence, but still needs improvement. Performance may become unsatisfactory as the role becomes more challenging.
- ME Meets Expectations - Meets expectations of this competency for this role. Demonstrates quality effort.
- FE Far Exceeds Expectations - Performance on this competency in relation to the individual's role consistently exceeds expectations. This employee makes exceptional contributions to the firm.