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Running Reports for Talent

You have access to reporting tools that help them identify incomplete compliance training, certifications, reviews and continually keep tabs on completion records, goals and make workforce related decisions faster and more effectively. Additional ad hoc reporting is included within the Dashboard module.

A detailed list of reports can be found in the respective articles:

Navigating to Reports

Click Reports towards the top-right. If Reports is not found in the top-right, then you may not have permission to access reports and may need to speak with your administrator. 


Reports Menu

The main Reports screen will show the list of reports configured for your company. If you want to customize the reports that are available, you can contact us for further assistance.


Toggles next to reports in the “Enable for Training Report Reviewers” can be switched on or off. If toggled, users with the “Training Report Viewer” role to have access to the report to run it. 


Running a Report

  • Click the name of the report from the "Reports" column. A new tab/window should open with the options for the selected report.


  • Specify the options for viewing the report.


    • View Online – This option will show the report in the browser.
    • Export to Excel – This option will export the report into an Excel document.
    • Export to PDF – This option will export the report into a PDF.
    • Export to Word– This option will export the report into a Word document.
  • If "View Online" was selected, the reporting information will show the options for the report.
    • Please note depending on the report chosen, there may be other options to select for that specific report.


  • Once the format has been chosen, click “Build Report”. Other options include printing or cancelling the report.


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